• Michael M.

    Thematisierung Intensität

    This was my first roller coaster with inversions and, in hindsight, the roller coaster that made me realize I was an enthusiast. The darkness definitely adds to the intensity, but it is quite a bit smoother than the other dark roller coaster at Disney World (Space Mountain), making it much more pleasant to ride overall. It is also a great example of how Vekoma has always been capable of building great roller coasters, they just had difficulty designing them well themselves in the past without Disney's involvement.

  • Michael M.

    Thematisierung Sanftheit Dead spots

    This is an impeccably smooth, quiet roller coaster to the point where it is almost boring at times. The wait times were also rather excessive when I was there due to it being new at that point. As far as mine trains go, I think Big Thunder Mountain Railroad is a better choice.

  • Michael M.

    Thematisierung Headbanging

    I do enjoy riding this, but the combination of the classic Arrow jerkiness with the darkness and resultant inability to anticipate what is coming and brace for it can make this a punishing ride. Technically it isn't headbanging since this is a non-inverting coaster with T-bar restraints, but you get the point…

  • Michael M.

    Airtimes Thematisierung Spaß Dead spots

    I haven't ridden many mine train coasters, but this one really sets the standard. Despite not being excessively fast, it is really fun and has some good airtime too. The last bit after the third chain lift seems rather pointless though.

  • Michael M.

    Thematisierung Sanftheit Layout

    This was my first "big" roller coaster. I rode it so long ago that I can't really compare it to anything I have ridden more recently, but the theming was impeccable and the suspended design really played into the experience, with the train swinging out of the way of collisions at what seemed like the last possible moment. I am very sad this one is gone and it will always be special to me.

  • Coaster Nut

    Abschuss Layout Unangenehm

    Beat my expectations. Years ago, this left me underwhelmed. This time around, I enjoyed the intensity and the surprises in the dark. On the down side, some of the quick transitions can slam you against the lap bar and the side of the car.

  • Cristina Tamayo

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Spaß Inversionen Intensität

    Fui con las expectativas bajas porque había leído que era muy floja. Me sorprendió bastante porque aunque no es una montaña rusa muy rápida ni con inversiones, tiene bastantes sorpresas y es muy divertida.

  • Bryce Blanch

    Airtimes First Drop Nette Überraschung! Dead spots

    It was honestly a lot more intense than I though it would be, it gave pretty good airtime especially on the first drop, honestly its pretty good but the dead spots ruin the ride, the turnarounds are just so LONG, Overall: A nice surprise with good airtime but just a lot of dead spots

  • Bryce Blanch

    Thematisierung Spaß Dauer Rütteln Kapazität Unangenehm

    Its ok. Its a long ride thats pretty fun and has a little theming in the queue and at the end. That being said this ride has a noticeable rattle. And the capacity is horrid. Im in the station, 3 trains, and decent dispatches. And still 10 minutes. Also if you sit on this with a friend, its gonna be awkward. You have to sit on top of someone. Very weird.

  • Bryce Blanch

    First Drop Ejectors Hangtime Dead spots

    Twisted Timbers was my very first rmc and it did mot dissapoint at all. The first drop is amazing and unique, the turnaround was fun and then the triple camelbacks were just amazing, the turnaround was also nice with a tiny inversion sprinkled in to, the outerbanks were slightly dissapointing, It just felt pointless and I felt my restraint tightening a bit. A nice with a bit of airtime into an inversion and A bit more airtime and then the brake run. I found this whole ride to be amazing but after the 3rd turn the ride gets a bit boring with little airtime and meh inversions, although this is still a great ride that I would recommend next time you visit kings dominion