• Luka 55

    Spaß Intensität

    Un bon petit coaster mais vraiment pas intense, il reste cool quand même

  • Luka 55

    Nette Überraschung! Sanftheit Zu kurz

    Très bon même si il est trop court, il mouille pas mal donc ça c'est bien

  • Luka 55

    Airtimes First Drop Intensität

    Petit voile gris au premier virage mais sinon il est parfait

  • Florian Borg

    First Drop Thematisierung Ejectors Kapazität Zuverlässigkeit

    Très bonne surprise, quelle claque. Ce qui pouvait sembler lent avec les off ride, se révèle en réalité très rapide et puissant. Tout s'enchaine très vite et chaque éléments proposent des sensations uniques. Les freins en haut du top hat que j'ai trouvé gênants sur Toutatis, se révèlent ici très efficace, on pend dans le siège et ensuite l'impression d'être poussé dans la drop. le stall en final est la cerise sur le gâteau, c'est long et désorientant. Malheureusement, la fiabilité ce jour n'était pas au rendez-vous, plusieurs pannes dans la journée et j'ai peur pour le futur de cette machine au vu du parc qui l'accueille.

  • Rowan P.

    Airtimes Spaß Meisterwerk

    Such a good ride! Best wooden coaster I have ever gone on. The ejector is great and the RMC topper track is super smooth and clean. Totally would recommend for anyone that wants to have a fun time!

  • Rowan P.

    Airtimes First Drop Schoßbügel Zu kurz Kapazität

    Comfortable and fun but the wait is longish and a short ride (18 minutes on a Sunday for a 30 sec ride). The first drop is so fun and it feels like you are going to fall out of your seat and it’s incredible! Great inversions! Great coaster!

  • clubstep

    Nette Überraschung! Standort Intensität

    Out of the 5 SLCs i rode this is the best. It is shaky, but the real, heavy and painful Hits thankfully Miss out. Its really bearable if you are used to SLCs. The wildlife under the ride gives it the edge over the other SLCs for me. You zoom close over fences, bushes and around trees. They even put smoke into the trench besides the Station, which improves the following Sidewinder alot. Can't complain at all

  • Myles M

    Airtimes Abschuss Ejectors Zuverlässigkeit

    Fantastic ride! Great launches, intensity, hangtime, comfortable and very smooth. Rode 5 times on the day I visited in the rear 5 rows - the back row was definitely the best, and is my favourite coaster I've ridden so far. Theming of the queue line and station was also great, however reliability was an issue with downtime at least thee times when I was there.

  • Blake S.

    Spaß Dauer Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm

    Unique ride with weird profiling. I love that they send you through twice, it really makes the ride feel complete. I appreciate the layout too, designed with negatives, positives, and laterals. But feeling those forces is a different story, because man, I hate these restraints. Vests and negative g's are already a bad combination, but the real kicker is what the otherwise-pointless knob on the bottom does to my crotch during every moment of negatives. I really want to see the ride which other reviewers see, since it's at basically my second home park, but I just haven't been able to. Still generally fun, thanks to the launches, but my hot take is that no ride is dragged down by its restraints quite like this one. Funny how the other compact, clonable, forwards-and-backwards launching coaster in the state has possibly my favorite restraints.

  • Ty_Coaster

    Thematisierung Rütteln Headbanging Unangenehm

    Un moment fatidique, mon premier boomerang, il fallait que je vois ce que c'est car leurs réputations est très médiocre. Bah c'est de la merde quoi, baffe, baffe, baffe et encore baffe accompagné de vibrations. Le mini point positif c'est l'intégration et la couleur vraiment jolie du coaster mais c'est tout.