Achterbahn Rezensionen
Thematisierung Spaß Meisterwerk Unangenehm
Tellement mieux à l'arrière la sensation de se faire aspirer est génial.
Spaß Rütteln Headbanging Kapazität
Le freinage est tellement violent
Airtimes Standort Spaß Headbanging
Smoother and WAY better than Cedar Point's Corkscrew TBH.
Airtimes Tempo Spaß Airtimes
Bonne machine, surement le meilleur coaster de France. Pour le circuit, le début est bon avec du bon hangtime ; le triple launch donne une très bonne sensation de vitesse, la flèche est cool à l'arrière, le top est mieux à l'avant mais les "pop ultra sec d'airtime/ejector" est pour moi désagréable ; la dernière partie a un très bon rythme entre les éléments, mais ces derniers manques cruellement d'intensité...seul le "top hat à la Maverick" relève le niveau et les pops d'airtime sec finaux sont, comme pour ceux des launch, plus désagréable qu'autre chose. Pour le reste, la zone est correct, la file d'attente est sympas, tout comme la gare niveau théma. gestion des flux n'est pas encore bien comprise par les concepteurs du PA (CDA en général ?) car la/les files d'attentes dans la gare sont très mal c'est dommage ! Ne parlons pas des "casiers" non plus. Un double quai ça aurait été sympas aussi (comme Taron ou BlueFire par ex) !!
Thematisierung Komfort Spaß Dead spots
Basically Cedar Point's version of Space Mountain. I rode it twice in October 2010 and one day before its closure two years later. (July 28th) It was not only fun, but also had air conditioning which was perfect on hot summer days and it would make your shoes glow in the dark in the loading station, like mine did! Then again, the building that Disaster Transport was enclosed in had become an eyesore, so I get why they removed it alongside Space Spiral for GateKeeper.
Schoßbügel Abschuss Intensität Zu kurz Zuverlässigkeit
I'm grateful for the amount of rides I was able to get on Dragster, since it's one of Cedar Point's most unreliable attractions yet. Here's hoping that I'm able to ride its current state (Top Thrill 2) next year once the technical errors get ironed out.
Standort Abschuss Intensität Kapazität
I'm so glad that I got a ride on Wicked Twister in October 2016, five years before it was torn down, especially after being too scared of it because I was worried that its ride experience would give me a heart attack for some reason.
Standort Dauer Rütteln Unangenehm Dead spots
Thank God RMC came to Cedar Point and turned this thing into my favorite coaster EVER.
First Drop Spaß Hangtime Zu kurz Rückhaltebügel Dead spots
The only dive coaster I've been on and what a fantastic introduction to them for me! Was a bit short in length but still a lot of fun though.
Abschuss Intensität Layout Headbanging Enttäuschend! Unangenehm
The reason for this low rating is because of that one terrible ride I got on the Hulk back in December 2012, four years before its full retracking by the ride's original manufacturer. (B&M) I need to get back out to Orlando soon to give this coaster a second chance since I've heard that it MASSIVELY improved after refurbishment.