• Tony

    Thematisierung Abschuss Sanftheit Kapazität

    Super coaster j'ai adorer, une théma cool, même si les cinématique dans le layout ne servent à rien a mon goût et sont très moche, un launch pas très puissant mais très agréable avec de bonne sensations, des drop en avant en arrière, et même sur le coté ce qui est tout simplement génial. Ma première envie en descendant était de le refaire directement. Gros point noir pour le debit qui est assez catastrophique.

  • JJxT

    Standort Dauer Kapazität

    This rollercoaster has some pretty good views and lasts pretty long. The drops have some weak airtime moments. The wait for this ride is about an hour. Very good rollercoaster considering that is has been operating for over 100 years.

  • Mr. Roller Coasters

    Airtimes Meisterwerk Ejectors

    Genuinely why is this ride so hated? People are just homophobic, y’all don’t like to peg a sus??? Fr tho the lateral/negative jolts on this are insanely fun why are y’all complaining that they’re negatives?

  • Sharon Ludwig

    Airtimes Schoßbügel

    I am a crazy coaster enthusiast meaning I love phoenix. In fact, I loved so much. that I did it 3 times in the back row the airtime is awesome especially because I am a kid. it was one of the best coasters on my Pennsylvania coaster tour

  • Roger B.

    Thematisierung Spaß Layout Rütteln Zu kurz

    Joli coaster familial avec une thématisation sympa de la file d'attente. Il possède un parcours assez surprenant et inattendu avec l'élévateur vertical et la partie en arrière. Lors de mon passage la partie en "free spinning" que j'ai lue dans d'autres commentaires n'était pas active. Dommage car ça aurait apporté encore plus de diversité au ride. On regrettera également la courte durée du layout ainsi que la présence non négligeable de vibrations.

  • MyJump Up

    Standort Zu kurz

    Fun Alpine coaster with a nice view of the Balaton lake.

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes First Drop Layout

    Orion is probably the most over-hated coaster I've ever ridden. Whenever anyone talks about this ride they always complain that it "could have been Fury". As someone who has ridden Fury over 50 times this year, I think I can safely say that this coaster is a worthy follow-up and an incredible giga. Though it lacks Fury's low-to-the-ground turns which are the one of the main highlights of that ride, Orion genuinely provides better airtime and forces than Fury ever could. The speed hill, camelback, and twisted hill at the end give a much more well-rounded profile of airtime compared to Fury, and the helix is obviously much more forceful. For this reason I actually prefer Orion in the back, though a front row ride on any giga is a must-do experience. The layout doesn't feel short to me, and I actually prefer the first drop to Fury's by a very slight margin. Despite all of these points, Fury does still feel like a more complete experience, so I rank it just a little higher, but all of these comparisons are to say that Orion, no matter what others might complain about, is an incredible giga. 10/10 - why is every op on this ride an enthusiast; they all complimented my Wildcat's Revenge hoodie

  • Matt Green

    Sanftheit Zu kurz

    Another unique ride. Some lovely views over Singapore as you lift and chairs facing both ways. But over so quickly.

  • Matt Green

    Thematisierung Tempo Spaß

    A big fan of Florida and Singapore's versions. The story and theming are top level and it has some great high speed sections interspersed between great themed sections.

  • Matt Green

    Thematisierung Layout

    Well themed and a very unique ride. No intensity - very much a rollercoaster that wants to be a dark ride.