• Edouard S.

    Abschuss Ejectors Zu kurz Kapazität Rückhaltebügel

    Trains et débits nazes. Launch surpuissant, aitimes et intensités quasiment tout le long du layout. Belle surpise.

  • fifa101

    Airtimes Layout Ejectors

    This might be the most unique, mega coaster in the world, because it feels like an RMC mixed with a intamin blitz wow, starts off with an incredible twisted drop, slightly less raw, then GeForce personally I prefer it however it's totally reasonable do you prefer expeditions first drop when you go into a camelback which is amazing just sustained has B&m hyper Hills just ejector when you go into outer banks Hill, which chuck you sideways next up is the rides signature element, the non-inverting Cobra role which is super whippy going into it and then going out of it. You got a mix of Hangtime and whip what a element once it warms up now, you go into the to are Camelback for the second third of the right to begin, which is a mix of Camelback's Wall stall twisted, hills and transitions that are all taken with a good pace because how low the ground they are the finale is made up of aggressive differently banks bunny hops, which are immense . This ride is an injector Machine has moments of whip and hang time in small doses but the air time is phenomenal best, mega/hyper I've done the reason I prefer this to rides like Shambala and expedition. GeForce is the air time is more modern and just as potent also has better diversity 10 out of 10 before I forget station building in the area are greatly themed which I always appreciate

  • fifa101

    Airtimes Inversionen Intensität

    Untamed is the only rmc I have done and Man it's incredible. First off the station is decently themed and I love the look of the ride vehicle when I was there they did 2 train operation which made the queue move fairly quick so you start with overbank turn which doesn't do much, however, that's the only time I can say that truthfully, on this layout you are slings down a crazy first drop, and then catapulted abruptly by, a fantastic, speed Hill then goes into a one-of-a-kind inversion a double 180° Stool following this, your body gets this, your body gets shocks, Chuck in 2 different directions, because of the shaping of the double up, which gives outstanding airtime next on your bucking bronco expedition is a camelback that gives sustained airtime which is super appreciated to another sustained moment, approaches because of an overbanked Hill that is apparently similar to Stev (haven't done it yet🥲) then you float into a 0G roll which is in a great position, because it transitions you from sustained a ejector to whip and float when you go into a rapid Bank Hill which gives a strong pop of ejector just before the 2nd double up, which really surprised me for the strength of air time it gave and then it went into a spaced out double down which shocked me in the best way possible next you get upside down airtime because it's banks, 140°, which feels wild now it's the mini steel vengeance ending of continuous muscle, bruising airtime with continuous Pops, and then ends on the final version that whip you, surprisingly quickly, and then gives you one more pop, and the brakes this ride feels literally perfect nearly every element hits, especially the unique shaping of the elements, 11 out of 10 rmc are the masters of layouts that doesn't need crazy heights and speed also the variety of forces you feel on the layout is incredible I've never been on a ride that offers so much sustained ejector at the same time having so many small pops of aggressive airtime You also get amazing, hang time on the double 180° Stool you also get laterals on the first double up not mention all head choppers you get from the wood especially in the crazy finale going through the structure gives you a sense of speed that you really shouldn't be getting from how fast you're going, but it's so disorientated amazing

  • fifa101

    Airtimes Meisterwerk Hangtime

    So where do I start with this amazing attraction that JoJo role is demonic in the best way possible, especially at the front then you've got the launch that is undescribable because sometimes you spin before you launch, but then it snaps you in the complete opposite direction. Just crazy, then the top hat is super fun cause of a shape in allowing for multiple pops of air plus the opportunity to spin like crazy then you've got the first drop potentially the most violent drop I've ever done even compared to GeForce and oaf of karnan then you've got the banana roll because of the spinning it feels, absurd than you do a vertical loop, depending on the ride this element can be ridiculous but is it always consistently a good element after that you go into a corkscrew and this feels so weird and amazing just like the other inversions then you have a pop of air time before you go into the next launch which has a great moment of a ejector similar to toutatatis and now is the best part of the layout. This flying snake dive should be legal, especially when you're spinning like crazy. just unreal then you go on airtime frenzy just crazy ones I came into the break run. My legs are shaking 11 out of 10 also, the soundtrack adds to the crazy non-stop borderline criminal elements personally I think a front row ride is slightly better because of the extra hand time on the JoJo roll plus more a snap on the first launch. However, my dad said back row is better cause of the extra time on the first drop. Where ever you sit, you're guaranteed the best ride in the world

  • Gorangers Yeah

    Airtimes Ejectors Dauer Zuverlässigkeit

    My absolute favorite coaster! I can’t even put the airtime in to words!

  • Gorangers Yeah

    Thematisierung Headbanging Unangenehm

    Fun for the kids but rough

  • Emily

    Spaß Zu kurz

    Schiene toll gebogen. Mackprodukt!

  • Emily

    Thematisierung Standort Zu kurz Kapazität

    Boomerangs aren't really for me. Being at Phantasialand a lot, I've only ridden it about 3 to 4 times.

  • Emily

    Spaß Dauer Unangenehm

    Love Colorado Adventure! Me and my friend always say you have to ride it in the front for a family ride and in the back for a 'thrill ride' lmao. I just think it is in need of new paddings or even new cars.

  • Roman L.

    First Drop Spaß Kapazität Unangenehm Airtimes

    Nul !!! Anaconda est un mauvais wooden avec aucune sensation, il vibre, le train n'est pas confortable. Mais ce dernier à quand même le droit à une thématisation correcte de la part de Walygator.