• N2bThe999

    Nul mais sympa

  • N2bThe999

    C'est sympa et fluide et les opérateurs sont adorables

  • Chermaine S.

    Standort Sanftheit Layout

    The layout isn't that great but it's all about the surroundings with this one. I love the interaction with Hals-über-Kopf and the fact it goes through said coasters station building!

  • N2bThe999

    Dommage il était sympa quand même

  • Thijmen B.

    Enttäuschend! Dead spots


  • Christian D. Dyer

    Meisterwerk Rütteln Headbanging Unangenehm

    Frankly lame, yet astonishing, formidable to exemplify, bear ride it its really cool coster

  • Chermaine S.

    Thematisierung Sanftheit Kapazität Enttäuschend!

    Very smooth, but otherwise a little boring. It doesn't do anything in terms of forces, no airtime, capacity is absolutely atrocious just like all Gerstlauer Bobsleds and there are sooo many midcourses. They don't slow you down but they are just a plain boring section of straight track. Theming is nice though with a great soundtrack.

  • Christian D. Dyer

    Inversionen Intensität Zu kurz Reißt es ab! Layout

    I HATE THIS COASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Chermaine S.


    I love spinning coasters but this one just didn't do it for me: I found Naga Bay to be pretty boring. The drops weren't that great and there is very little force on this ride. And the midcourses slow you down quite a bit.

  • Chermaine S.

    Thematisierung Layout

    I feel like the first drop backwards is very pointless: it doesn't do anything. The main drop with the splash is much better though, pretty much identical to SuperSplash at Plopsaland De Panne. What makes this ride better than SuperSplash though is that it doesn't take ages to get back to the station and the theming with the dolphins is much better than the almost nonexistent theming SuperSplash has.