• Avery bork

    Airtimes Komfort Dauer

    absolutely flawless GCI! This is a masterpiece of a woodie and has some amazing elements! I rode this for the first time yesterday (October 8 2023) I’ve been to Dollywood before, but the line was always way to long, but now having the time saver pass I could get on in less than 10 min! Fair warning though, at the bottom of the first hill, there is a rattle, but it’s just like a classic GCI woodie rattle! It really adds some personality to the ride, anlong with the section of straight track that goes through the station above everyone’s heads! It really does sound like thunder! And let’s talk about the trains. They are so comfortable! Even while Whipping around sharp turns and sudden hills at 55 mph my head didn’t bang ONCE this ride is a truly amazing classic and is definitely in my top ten, thank you GCI for providing such an amazing ride. -Avery

  • Miroslav M.

    First Drop Spaß Intensität Rütteln Zu kurz Kapazität

    This coaster is great and unique, no questions there, but people tend to overcompliment it (it is like they are blinded by its theme gimmicks). To be fair, there is plenty to criticize as well. The backstory of the coaster is cool but a bit too complicated. After standing in line, you would probably only understand bits of it and not the full picture. Especially if you do not know German (That accent sequence is in German only). The accent sequence is long and you have to hang in a psychologically uncomfortable vertical position. It is scary for the first time, kind of cool for the second, but after that, it is mostly irritating. The seat assignment gimmick is cool only for the first time. Then you just resent that you can not select the seat. The first drop is so much more awesome when you are in the front row, but you might not have a chance to experience it at all during your visit. You can not stop thinking about how all these elements ruin the ride capacity, which is not great. The second forceful half of the layout is a bit controversial. I would say it is too forceful, to the point of being disorientating. It is like a boxer giving you two punches. I wish it used its speed for something longer and more enjoyable. But the designers probably did not have the space for it. The final inversion is so slow, that it is mostly pointless. It is just another "surprise" element. But I also think people do not give Karnan enough credit for its first half which is just fantastic and very original. It does not feel like a typical hypercoaster at all. And this is a good thing.

  • Chermaine S.

    Rütteln Unangenehm

    How is this one so rough compared to other coasters of this model? It looks, sounds and feels like it hasn't been maintained in 10 years!

  • Bubble Gaming

    Airtimes First Drop Intensität Rütteln

    It’s 5 stars even with the roughness, that’s how good it is. The first drop is as good as people say, and “deathjector” is an accurate name. Even on the ride where I got stapled there was strong ejector, that’s how powerful it is. The turn after is intense but rough. Then, a nice little hill with some ejector, laterals, then the Rolling Thunder hill. I love the rolling thunder hill. There is sustained ejector on the entire hill. You then go through some rough but intense turns and that’s the ride. I will also mention the cable lift is fast enough to feel the speed. A retracking would do wonders to this ride.

  • Sam Dbart

    Komfort Sanftheit

    D’une fluidité incroyable, layout très original, le stall loop est très planant! Double down et fly through excellent également! Pas très intense cependant. A faire en back row sans hésiter!

  • Gautier S.

    Thematisierung Tempo Ejectors

    De loin le meilleur intamin que j'ai pu faire jusqu'à présent. Un toutatis sans ses défauts, plus long, avec une vitesse de taron, le tout dans une théma made in universal... ben 5 étoiles direct.

  • Gautier S.


    C'est du très très très familial sur ce coup, Pegasus de EP à côté ça envoi du lourd. Pour les enfants et la famille cela fait parfaitement le travail, en plus dans une thématisation qui ne peut que ravir n'importe qui, mais en terme de sensation je trouve que même pour du familial, c'est un peu trop faiblard.

  • Gautier S.

    Thematisierung Headbanging Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm

    J'ai malheureusement trouvé ce ride très douloureux, au point que je ne l'aurai fait qu'une petite fois alors qu'il n'y avait presque pas d'attente. L'ambiance de la thématique aura été un de mes rares plaisir avec le launch.

  • Gautier S.

    Airtimes Komfort Tempo Dead spots Intensität

    Ce confort BM qu'on adore, le tout avec des airtimes bien sympathique, même si cela reste des floatings, et une excellente sensation de vitesse. Il restera à 4 étoiles pour moi à cause de la fin de parcours totalement inutile, et le last row très très soft, le first est mieux sans aucune discussion.

  • Gautier S.

    Thematisierung Intensität Layout Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm

    Le fameux manta dont j'entendais tant parler. Je comprends mieux, notamment le bretzel loop qui procure des sensations indescriptible. Une théma magnifique avec les aquariums, un parcours long, intense et assez varié. Mais là où l'inconfort de Pipeline surf coaster ne m'a pas empêché de profiter, ici malheureusement c'est le cas. J'était heureux que le tour se termine et encore plus quand on repasse en position assise.