• Stanislas D.

    Tempo Sanftheit Dauer Kapazität

    une super machine avec des de bonne sensation. dommage que le temps d'attente sois si long.

  • Vivien H.

    First Drop Thematisierung Tempo Rütteln

    Très belle surprise de se coaster B&M, l'intégration est parfaire !

  • Stanislas D.

    Thematisierung Abschuss Dauer

    des l'entrée dans la zone nous somme immergé dans le coaster. au gauche, à droite, le coaster est partout. pour le ride, l'absence d'inversion n'est pas un manque. Taron nous a procuré des sensations folles, surtout avec le double launch. Seule envie après avoir fait le ride, c'est d'y retourné.

  • Nathan F

    Thematisierung Tempo Intensität Rütteln Unangenehm

    This ride is substantially rougher in 2023 than it was in 2020 when I first rode it. This ride still has excellent pacing/intensity. This is a good ride. Unfortunately, the re-track has not held up well and it can be quite uncomfortable as a result.

  • Nathan F

    Airtimes Tempo

    Wonder Woman is awesome. It has some killer airtime, and keeps its pace really well. It did run much more sluggish in the morning than in at night, but even the slow ride was still very good, while the night ride felt like it was trying its best to toss me out of my seat. Excellent coaster. Also, a decently themed queue by Six Flags standards.

  • David Čuban


    I rode it with the backwards launch and it was really good. On the spike I looked far away around the park, but after coming back, trimms hits hard and there is no airtime on the hill.

  • David Čuban


    Only one lap not special ride. A little faster than average Vekoma's kiddie coasters.

  • David Čuban

    Abschuss Layout

    The Launch is absolutelly amazing. It feels like it never ends. The rest of the layout is weaker. The launch makes the ride.

  • David Čuban

    Komfort Tempo Intensität

    The best coaster in Ferrari World and even the best in UAE. I really love it. Great theming of the queue line, nice station, super fast lift hill, very intense non-inverting loop where I greyed out almost everytime, nice transitions a well designed inversion.

  • Faelwen

    Sanftheit Enttäuschend!

    J'avais été hypé par la Thema extérieur et de la gare mais une fois dans le ride c'est la douche froide. Pas beaucoup de choses à voir, on est trop souvent dans le noir.