• Martí José Romero

    Spaß Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm Intensität

    Mucho mejor el azul

  • Evan B.

    Rütteln Unangenehm

    Toutes mes félicitations à Walibi Belgium pour avoir réussi à faire pire que Anaconda de WGE. C'est une prouesse à souligner. La Playlist NRJ en gare est aussi des plus étonnante, personne n'avait osé mais eux l'ont fait ... Bravo ! Plus sérieusement un ride qui malgrès c'est 20 ans à un layout intéressant mais sont ages et peut-être une maintenance légère ? Font qu'il est devenu très désagréable.

  • Evan B.

    Spaß Meisterwerk Layout Thematisierung

    Plopsa a réalisé un grand coup avec Mack Rides car on a la un coaster qui se hisse très haut dans le top Européen et une surprenante machine. Tout bonnement excellent, chaque élément du layout à son utilité et nous fait profiter au maximum de cet Xtrem spinning. Last ou First, rien que pour le top hat c’est deux expériences différentes en plus du spinning. Les seuls bémols que l’on peux lui reprocher sont peut-être un launch à l’accélération timide (maladie mack oblige) et une théma bien que très jolie, manque de petits détails et de quelques fautes (Le vilain transfert track en béton). Mais voila, même les "défauts" cité n’en sont pas réellement, ce sont juste les aspects ou RTH n’excelle pas mais reste juste bon

  • Scott van der Roest

    Spaß Dauer Dead spots

    It is are weird ride. I am used to mine train rollercoasters from Vekoma, but this mime train is something different. The first part was really cool, the second part is really weird after the lift hill it is like one turn and than immediately the second lift hill. The last part is just like the first part with a good pace and some good turns. After all a pretty good and strange coaster.

  • Scott van der Roest

    Standort Spaß

    This family wooden coaster is good fun. It doesn't really gives you airtime but the way it intertwined with Stampida is beautiful. Only for that reason you should try it.

  • Scott van der Roest

    Spaß Layout Rütteln

    I really like a dueling coaster and this one is also really cool. It doesn't have so much airtime but the racing element work in its favour. At one point there are 5 tracks next to each other (2x stampida blue, 2x stampida red and tomahawk) wich looks really cool. Yes it has a rattle but wich wooden coaster hasn't.

  • Scott van der Roest

    Standort Abschuss Rütteln Kapazität

    Oke where to start. First of all the launch. It is one of the best, maybe the best launch I have ever had. It is so powerful, you have to experience it!!! Than the location, the last turn on Furious Baco over the water is so pretty and the way the coaster has near misses with the rocks is so cool. The biggest downside of this coaster is the rattle. I have Condor from Walibi in my home park, the original SLC, and it is so much worse at this coaster. It really gives you a headache. The other Downside is the capacity, due to the really slow dispatch time the queue is so long. You have to wait really long and end with a headache, but it is really worth to try it!

  • Scott van der Roest

    Inversionen Intensität Layout Rütteln

    Of you love inversions, this is the coaster for you. Personally I am not a big fan of coaster who just have Inversions and almost no airtime, but the layout was really good, it was so intense! Because it is almost 30 year old it kind of rattles but it is a great coaster.

  • Scott van der Roest

    Airtimes First Drop Layout

    Shambhala is a beast. It was really busy so I only rode it ones on the back row, but wow!!! The floater airtime on this thing is amazing!!! I have to say there were some spot who weren't as powerful as the other ones, but in the back row it was still good. The pacing of this thing makes the ride even more better.

  • Axel Loup

    First Drop Zu kurz

    Une drop sympa mais malheureusement c'est tout...