• Yoann Diego

    Airtimes Thematisierung Intensität Rütteln Headbanging

    J'attendais tellement de ce coaster que j'ai été déçu, il met des baffes et perso je le trouve vraiment pas fluide. Dommage car très beau parcours et une file d'attente appréciable. Au passage merci pour le mal de tête lol.

  • Yoann Diego

    Spaß Irrelevant

    + 1 crédit et file d'attente fun. Le coaster en lui même sans intérêt.

  • BonkersCoasters

    Nette Überraschung! Intensität Layout Rütteln Rückhaltebügel

    This ride is ACTUALLY quite enjoyable! Yes, it's not the smoothest coaster out there, but it's not uncomfortable as something like an SLC because there is a nice headrest to push your head against to avoid whiplash and headbanging as the transitions on some elements are pretty jerky. As for layout, it's really good. The first drop is pretty decent, but the butterfly inversion is very forceful which caused me to start seeing grey from the sustained g forces! The batwing is also intense as well as the loop. There is a weak pop of airtime before entering the double corkscrews with some decent hangtime and a quick burst of laterals into the brakes. The trains aren't the most comfortable, but the setting by the lake is very eye catching.

  • BonkersCoasters

    Nette Überraschung! Tempo Spaß Rütteln Kapazität

    As much as I thought it would be a tame family coaster, I was proven wrong! The launches are quite punchy, the beyond vertical spike in the back row gives great airtime, the inline twist provides a nice sensation of hangtime not found anywhere else in this family oriented park and the helix into another spike pulls good g forces and you experience very cool lateral hangtime as you stall sideways before reversing and returning to the station! The theming is very good in the queue and station and the pacing was better than expected. The capacity is the biggest problem with it, however it does have a bit of a shuffle to it which doesn't really ruin the comfort as it's a lot more comfortable than Swarm because of the no locking vests. Despite being in a park with other very low throughout rides, it fits in very well with the line up as it is there as a first inverting roller coaster for young children.

  • alexandre monteil

    Intensität Schoßbügel

    J'adore cette attraction. Intense et fun.

  • alexandre monteil

    Spaß Layout

    Super attraction avec les wagon qui tourne sur eux même grâce à l'inertie. Le parcours est fait de sorte à faire tourné un maximum les wagons. Chaque tour est diffèrent selon la répartition du points dans le wagon.

  • alexandre monteil

    Abschuss Spaß Ejectors

    Gros coup de cœur pour cette attraction. Les deux launchs sont ultra puissant , la vitesse et le parcours sont intense. Une de mes attraction préféré.

  • alexandre monteil

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    Attraction très sympa à faire. Le layout et les ellipses sont très fun à rider.

  • Daniel Stark

    Airtimes Inversionen Meisterwerk

    Having closely followed its construction for over two years, this coaster has a lot of emotional value, and it exceeded the high expectations I had. It is my solid top 2 overall, clearly better than my #3, but not even close to my #1, though. The only element which didn't provide was the hill after the first launch, which didn't have the floater I expected. The rest was excellent. Like everybody, I found launches 2 & 3 a bit weak, but fun anyway. The first one disappointed me, though. I expected the short but powerful kick everyone praises and I thought it would be Gerstlauer level. Ok, it's strong, but not that much. The layout is perfect. There's an incredible variety of elements and forces: launches, hangtime, floater, ejectors, laterals, whip, near misses, drop... Everything. Although there are two corkscrews, they're entirely different, the first one providing some of the best hangtime I've experienced, and the second one giving floater/laterals/hangtime/whip (the forces varied everytime for some weird reason, probably due to the row and left/right seat I'd chosen, idk). Climbing the twisted top hat is a lot of fun, a bit better at the front, and you get nice ejector there. I LOVE the trims, if you sit at the front it's like a dive coaster, but better. At the back it's not as good, yet it's fun anyway and I love the views; besides, the drop gives then some powerful air. The following twist has some slight and enjoyable laterals and the camelback is as great as it is said to be. The outward banked dive loop provides very strange feelings, some mild flojector with a few laterals while inverting. Great design decision, I like it. Then comes a powerful ejector pop into the best headchopper of the ride (not as good as Phantasialand's, though) followed by a twisted hill providing floater and laterals, just fun. Then the corkscrew I've already detailed and the great ejector on the wave turn. Afterwards comes a moment similar to Taron: a launch into a sharp upwards banked turn. This one gave surprisingly way better laterals, combined with the twists that lead into the stall and making it one of my favourite moments of the ride. And finally that stall, another awesome element, wonderful hangtime. I love hangtime and I don't quite get why many dislike it. This element, with those lap bars, is superb. By the way, the theming is quite good, the Wayne manor, the preshows and the short but nice indoor queue have hight quality standards, better than the rest of the park. The trains arriving at the station with those leds look great. The onboard audio only worked once out of seven times for me, but I didn’t think it was really good; quite expendable, actually. Overall, Gotham City Escape is such a masterpiece, the complete package and one of my favourite rides of all time. Finally something word class at this lovely park.

  • Eddy Bonnenfant

    Standort Kapazität Dead spots

    Une montée originale , une descente qui est quand même sympathique et puis de longue minutes sans quil ne se passe rien !! Pas une petite fontaine , un semblant de déco .. , Heureusement qu'on peut voir ce magnifique ride to hapiness et a la limite le bateau de chez HUSS