• Niko Ramos

    Abschuss Intensität Sanftheit Unangenehm

    It’s intense, the launch is pretty forceful, and smooth. Except for one spot, not in a rattle way though, on the break run, you really stop abruptly which slams you into your lap bar.

  • Simon Indelicate

    First Drop Nette Überraschung! Layout Zu kurz

    Found it quite smooth - not a huge fan of gerstlauers but this was more my kind of thing. Launch is VERY unexpectedly snappy and I kind of wish I'd gotten into a better position for it the first time as it kind of hurt - but after that it was a fun, short ride with cool inversions and a nice fluid layout.

  • Simon Indelicate

    Airtimes Thematisierung Meisterwerk

    Just a game changing masterpiece from start to finish. Gorgeous, perfectly paced, dizzying in the best way, overwhelmingly good. Also really appreciate that its theming has moved past 'terrifying! Dare you ride??!' style marketing and embraced the idea that rollercoasters are transcendent, pleasurable experiences that people can love on their own terms rather than as a side-effect of death-defying fear - it feels like an artform maturing. Audio is magic, airtime and hangtime at any and every weird angle you can imagine, fabulous launches, the way that slow, graceful opening inversion feels like the machine is telling you 'don't worry, man, it's cool, I've got this, you can let go for the next couple of minutes, it's ok...' - a pure joy. Love love love it.

  • A Useless Guy

    Intensität Rütteln Dead spots

    Its got some nice drops and airtime but its rough and some dead spots

  • Sam P.

    Abschuss Tempo Hangtime Kapazität

    This is a great investment into Chessington, in terms of the ride experience anyway, and easily the best ride on park. I was really quite surprised by how good the ride was, particularly with it's family-thrill billing. But what we've got is some really good theming, which will only get better as the planting grows up around the area, a nice snappy launch through the station, and a great layout which is paced absolutely perfectly to deliver a good ride experience, but without being too intense for it's 1.2m height limit. Particular highlights for me are the spike in the back row, which is awesome and gives a nice airtime moment, that launch, the inversion which is taken at a great speed to give some nice hangtime, and the helix up the jaguar shrine which starts out decently intense and then gives some great sideways hangtime as the train stalls to make it's return journey. This really is a great coaster for it's family thrill tag, and Chessy and B&M have done a superb job. The clear problem here though is the capacity, hence it loses a star, because this is one slow moving line. The virtual queue is working well, and I hope Chessington keep it in place for a while yet, because this thing will be pulling 120 minute queues left right and centre otherwise. And the not waiting behind the airgates thing is stupid, they need to get that sorted ASAP as it adds unnecessary time onto the process. Whether it's the right investment for this particular park - one of the busiest in the UK and certainly the one that struggles most with queues on busy days - remains to be seen but for now, I look forward to enjoying plenty more rides on a great coaster

  • Flavien Plaire

    Standort Spaß Dead spots

    C'est un bon E-Powered qui serpente entre les arbres et le fulme de Nigloland. Il prend beaucoup de vitesse au deuxième tour ce qui est assez plaisant

  • Flavien Plaire

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Intensität Airtimes

    Yukon Quad est un excellent investissement du pal. Un coaster familial++ pour cause d'intenses G positif dans les virages. Les launch sont particulièrement puissant, ce qui est étonnant compte tenu du faite qu'il s'agisse de launch à pneus. Immense possibilité de chain ride dans une journée à faible affluence. En revanche j'ai été quelques peu déçu du faite qu'il y ai absence TOTALE du moindre airtime.

  • Léonard D.

    Airtimes Abschuss Meisterwerk

    Il est tout simplement incroyable. D'abord fait à froid, et déjà je l'ai trouvé remarquablement intense. Le triple launch est fabuleux, dès le premier passage, pourtant le moins rapide des trois, on est soulevé à la limite de l'ejector, alors sur les deux suivants, vous pouvez compter dessus. Gros Hangtime en haut de la flèche et c'est parti pour le moment le plus cool du layout pour moi. En effet, le troisième Launch est au firmament des éléments des coasters que j'ai ridé. Ensuite je n'ai personnellement pas été gêné outre-mesure par le frein juste avant la drop du top hat, mais je ne l'ai pas ridé à l'avant pour me faire un avis complet là dessus. D'ailleurs le top-hat est cool, mais sans plus selon moi. On enchaine ensuite par plusieurs figures dont le camelback et le ZéroG Stall se démarquent franchement. Je comprends les avis qui trouvent cette deuxième partie du layout un peu plus "molle", c'est le cas, mais elle n'en est pas oubliable pour autant. Faut dire que la première partie est tellement insane, que un peu moins bien que parfait, ça reste toujours très bon. Evidemment à chaud, reprenez tout ce que je viens de dire et décuplez le, et vous avez là l'une des toutes meilleures machines d'Europe. En tout cas en Last Row et plus généralement sur l'arrière du train, c'est une masterclass.

  • RDV coaster

    Spaß Zu kurz

    c'est un bon family coaster c est tout ce que j'en pense

  • Coaster Nut

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Unangenehm Airtimes

    Clunky. That's the word. Like other Morgans, each airtime hill is followed by an abrupt "clunk" as the train refamiliarizes itself with the track. Anyway, the first drop is good, and the first half has nice floater airtimes. The helix is fun and provides good positive Gs. The bunny hills at the end have good ejectors, but each is followed by the "clunk" that slams you back into the seat.