• Koen

    Airtimes First Drop Tempo

    Ok, not a woody fan. But oh my, this is like riding a dragon while holding its tail. What a beast! Definitely the last row at the end of the day. The first drop is insane for a wooden coaster. The airtimes are beyond insane and specifically the very last hill. The pace and g-forces of the banked curves at the end is powerful!

  • Max S.

    Thematisierung Dauer Headbanging

    It's a pretty fun ride but a bit painful. The headbanging is atrocious on this one so make sure you keep your head back and stable but even then you might feel some pain. This one isn't very intense and seems to focus more on theming. It still has fun elements like straight drops and inversions that let you hang upside down. The duration of this ride is also super long compared to a lot of coasters so you get a good amount of ride time. It seems like Blazing Fury is a bit redundant when comparing theming and the effect it's trying to give. Blazing Fury came first so I'm a bit confused why they made Mystery Mine so similar theming-wise but both are fun adventures. 3.5/5 stars

  • Eric Esty

    Thematisierung Sanftheit Layout Zu kurz Rückhaltebügel

    The ride has a lap bar that's hilariously unaccomodating to larger riders, but unlike Penguin Trek they didn't have to staple me to make me fit. I also like the theming way more, the station is absolutely gorgeous. The ride is short, but it has fun gentle forces. Unlike Penguin Trek this one is far from forceless. If you've ridden Dragonflier, it's a lot like that. I definitely prefer Vekoma's new SFCs a lot more. A decent ride and a worthy replacement for Sand Serpent and Phoenix, better than both and really rounds out the area. If only my enjoyment of the ride hadn't been tainted by mourning of the loss of the coaster across the midway...

  • ch_coaster

    Thematisierung Inversionen Intensität

    J'admets avoir toujours eu des difficultés à saisir les propriétés de Black Mamba qui engendrent, chez certains, une certaine préférence à Taron. Cela a probablement agacé le B&M qui m'a FORTEMENT bluffé en cette revisite. Cet inverted possède un charme bien à lui, une sensation de perte de contrôle mêlée à une très forte intensité particulièrement saisissante. De plus, son intégration rajoute un effet de vitesse et de surprise relativement conséquent, et rend l'expérience de Black Mamba, au global, meilleure que celle de Taron à mon sens.

  • JarvisTheAllosaurus

    Thematisierung Standort Meisterwerk Rütteln

    Velocicoaster is literally the definition of a perfect coaster. Incredible layout, crazy elements, punchy launches, and a great rush of adrenaline through the whole layout. Not only that but this thing is stacked with props and story. A thrill coaster with themeing?! Thats unheard of! But somehow Velocicoaster pulls it off perfectly. I could go on and on about its elements, but they really dont need any introduction. The The first half is filled with head choppers with all the rockwork and raptors. Then the second half has that crazy launch into one of the tophats of all time. Great ejector airtime in the front and back which is just the appetizer for the second half. The spaghetti bowl section is filled with wacky elements like this aggressive outerbank that launches you out your seat and this zero g stall that gives you some good hangtime. But thats not even the best part, the finale is what really makes the second half incredible. The speed hill gives some good floater but then it rips through the mosasaurus roll which felt like it was trying rip me inhalf with pure ejector! Almost felt like I was going to be launched into the water. Then there are two ejector pops into the brakes ending one of the greatest coasters on earth. There really is nothing else to say that has been said. This truly is a masterpiece. My expectations were extremely high going in and somehow it demolished it. Giving this beast a 10/10 does it no justice, the only way to really describe it is to just ride it.

  • JarvisTheAllosaurus

    Airtimes Kapazität Komfort Dead spots

    Ive always lived on the west coast with our only hypers being Goliath SFMM and Xcelerator, so I was incredibly excited to finally be able to try a B&M hyper, not only that but also one of the best. First impressions with the restraint and seat design were outstanding. The B&M clamshells are one of the most comfortable restraints I have ever experienced, even stapled you still get great floater air. I'm personally used to the twisty mangled layout of Goliath, so the out and back layout stacked with giant camelbacks were very new to me and it definitely did not disappoint. The first drop is glorious in the back row giving me strong sustained flojector airtime the whole way down and the following camel back did as well, but stronger towards the front. The Stengel dive overbank turn however didn't do a whole much but it was pretty cool hanging off the side at that height. The Hammerhead turnaround did give some good positives, but nothing outstanding. However the following 3 hills all gave incredible floater airtime as well as the speed hill giving a great burst of flojector. The midcourse does slow the ride a bit, but its really funny in the front row as you get launched out your seat and then get flung fowards due to the brakes. The second half is definitely a bit slower, but I still got good floater on the final camel back and great views of the park as the coaster made its way through the plaza. Also on the left side you get darn close to the water which is really cool. Overall I think this is a fantastic coaster. and most surely didn’t disappoint as my first B&M hyper. It does what it was designed to do exceptionally and is butter smooth as well. I really don't have any complaints, however I will say I still prefer Goliath at SFMM to this. I know many wont feel the same, but nothing compares to crazy positives Goliath pulls during those final turns, and the great floater you get on the drop and speed hill.

  • Amanda Hamilton

    Thematisierung Spaß Layout Airtimes Intensität

    I hadn't really realised that Wicker Man was actually a family thrill coaster and so came away a little underwhelmed that it didn't offer the airtime and intensity that I had been expecting It's a perfectly fun ride and the theming is excellent, the pacing is good, but the layout is mainly a series of twists and turns which gives very little opportunity for much airtime which is my favourite feeling when riding a coaster.

  • Nico Sy

    Nette Überraschung! Tempo Spaß

    Comme souvent chez Gerstlauer, c'est du tout bon ! Un family coaster très fun avec de bonnes petites drops, une vitesse intéressante et constante quasiment tout le long du layout. La zone qui lui est dédiée est très belle également et le soundtrack en gare est tout autant sympathique. On notera cependant un débit un peu moyen du fait des trains qui comportent seulement deux rangées de deux places côte à côte, bien contrebalancé cependant par une activité sans relâche de l'opératrice pour fermer les lap bar le plus vite possible et envoyer les trains à la chaîne. Résultat: 4 trains se suivaient dans le parcours, assez remarquable tout de même ! Très bel ajout en tout cas pour Walibi Belgium ! Gros plus également pour la couleur des rails et ces magnifiques trains

  • Freddie Johnson

    First Drop Standort Intensität Zu kurz

    it only has 1 element but it does that element really well, also the atmosphere the theme of the area is well done

  • R0ma1nF

    Komfort Spaß Rütteln Airtimes

    Malgré son âge, Silver Star reste un bon hyper de chez B&M. Quelques vibrations en bas de la first drop et un manque cruel d'air time font qu'il n'est pas très intéressant à rider si on a l'habitude de faire des coasters. Le meilleur moment du ride se passe pour moi après la zone de frein de mi-parcours. Cependant, il reste tout de même très fun à rider et c'est un passage obligatoire quand on se rend au parc. 👍