• CoasterHead

    Unangenehm Reißt es ab! Schoßbügel

    Coast Rider is brutal. It sucks. If it weren’t for the dreadful shin guards it would be kinda fun I guess. Not too rough, kinda smooth. But it’s just the restraints man, they’re horrible! A new coaster would be a great fit for a replacement of this piece of garbage.

  • Commander Colt

    Schoßbügel Abschuss Intensität Thematisierung

    A fantastic ride. Not too long of a wait while I was there. It's basically Velocicoaster but less theming. My friend and I rode Taiga 4 times while when we visited the park.

  • Commander Colt

    Spaß Kapazität

    A decent spinning coaster. Just a fun ride, not much else. The only problem is the very long line to wait. It was probably quicker to go on Taiga twice than this one once. (It could have been the time and day, I'm not sure, as I've only visited once)

  • Commander Colt

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Zu kurz

    It was much better that I was expecting. It was quite smooth and there was no discomfort at all. It is quite a short ride, not really would I would call a roller coaster. It's honestly more like a flatride than a roller coaster, but it was still quite fun.

  • Commander Colt

    Abschuss Spaß Intensität Dead spots

    Second half is fairly mediocre when I rode it. But the first half was amazing.

  • Philip Mahn

    First Drop Komfort Ejectors

    Eine ziemlich gute Achterbahn. Airtime ohne Ende und butterweich. Wie SMOOTH diese Bahn ist, ist wirklich irre. Die Helix und der erste Turn sind eine wenig Schwach, sonst aber eine gute Experience? Leider sind die Wartezeiten meist Recht hoch, was aber mit einer guten Operation rausgeholt werden kann!

  • Gabriel Thorn

    Thematisierung Spaß Sanftheit Dead spots

    A beautifully themed, fun family coaster. It was pure fun, without any intense parts, but the coaster hauls through the layout really fast. Visited during the covid nonsense so there was no way to buy fast passes, the queue times were insane, so only rode it two times.

  • Gabriel Thorn

    Inversionen Intensität Irrelevant Dead spots Layout

    Lech coaster makes this family park worth visiting anyways, so I recommend riding this abomination despite the rating I gave it, because of this: the last carriage of the train has two backrow seats. Riding through the 2 loops sitting backwards was probably the most intense thing I've ever experienced in my life. It was very disorienting and I felt like I will throw up my entire stomach, not just it's content. Thankfully I did not feel sick after the train passed the loops but it was a very unique experience. After that it's a dead ride. Pointless, slow, stupid. I don't understand why they did not do anything more interesting after such an intense first section.

  • M P

    Thematisierung Komfort Sanftheit Irrelevant Layout

    I forgot I even rode this. Its not a bad ride but i doesnt have any intense moments, just a relaxed ride through the jusngle is how I remember it.

  • M P

    Thematisierung Spaß Layout

    This was my first ever coaster. My parents convinced me it was a train ride but I enjoyed this, At the time I hated it buut I wish I can go back now that im an enthusiast aand ride it again.