• Brian Sheldon

    Spaß Intensität Layout

    I love Schwarzkopf looping coasters. I love Schwarzkopf trains. I love going backwards. Put all three of things together and it is no surprise that I love this coaster. It is just such a different experience than the vast majority of modern coasters. It is comfortable and thrilling. There is something magical about a Schwarzkopf loop. I don't know if they just nailed the math perfectly or what, but they are more thrilling than any other loops. The sudden surges of acceleration as nature intended is fantastic. Going through the loop backwards always leaves me with a huge smile on my face. I hope this classic stays is working form for many years to come.

  • Brian Sheldon

    Excellent coaster. I didn't have any expectations for this before I rode it. It doesn't seem to get any love online. After riding it several times back to back, I'm not sure why. Full disclosure it didn't crack my top 3 B&M inverts,--it is 4th, just behind Banshee, but it is very close and this coaster is definitely worthy of consideration. It belongs in the debate. It is that good. I have no complaints at all. It is fast and smooth just as you would expect from a B&M Invert--except for Patriot. Excellent pacing and it delivers very good forces--perhaps just not quite as intense as the best of the best. It really is an excellent coaster.

  • Tootoo 67

    Komfort Meisterwerk Sanftheit Airtimes

    De loin le meilleur coaster du parc, car c'est le seul qui n'est pas mou...

  • Tootoo 67

    Spaß Rütteln Headbanging Unangenehm

    Une bouse qui a d'enormes accouts sur la derniere partie

  • Tootoo 67

    Komfort Irrelevant

    Intéressant mais confortable

  • Tootoo 67

    Thematisierung Spaß Kapazität Unangenehm Schoßbügel

    Transition foireuse sur transition foireuse... mais il reste fun et beau

  • Yanis L.

    Headbanging Schoßbügel

    Un énorme raté sur tous les points. Les drops et bosses passent bien, mais n'importe quel virage est une horreur. En rajoutant des lap-bars très inconfortables qui accentuent la douleur on tient un des pires family existants.

  • Jeroen

    Spaß Unangenehm Layout

    epic song!

  • Jeroen

    Airtimes First Drop Layout Kapazität

    I wish they would sent a train out more than just once every 5 minutes and not let fastpass always take the back rows. A 10 minute wait becomes a 45 minute wait. Or I don't know...maybe use that second train that is just sitting there doing nothing. Ride itself is good in every row and fantastic in the back. Nice, long and strong airtime!

  • Jeroen

    Standort Rütteln Headbanging Unangenehm

    No thanks