• Daniel Stark

    Thematisierung Spaß Unangenehm

    Don't kill me, but I think I prefer this one to Colorado Adventure at Phantasialand. It's said. Yeah, the coaster itself is worse, tamer, but the theming makes up for that. I would have never thought Phantasialand could be beaten at theming: Colorado Adventure is one of the least themed rides at the park, whereas Calamity Mine has that gorgeous rockwork and water, and the coaster interacts a great deal with the scenery, making it a lot of fun to ride. Of course, it's not nearly as good as a BTM, but still a great family coaster. Besides, the fact that it's tamer than Colorado means that those shaky transitions and horribly hard trains are less uncomfortable.

  • Daniel Stark

    Thematisierung Spaß

    Very enjoyable ride, exceeded expectations. The theming and the enclosing building are nicely done, and the music played on the queue builds up a fitting atmosphere. The preshow on the screen is just perfect: short, funny, understandable without language knowledge and creates anticipation for the launch. This one, by the way, is a lot of fun. Then the loop is intense and very disorienting taken in the dark. Specially due to the upwards spike right afterwards, it seems you keep doing the loop forever and forget where up and down are. When taken backwards, in the middle seats, the loop gives some weak (though nice and surprising) hangtime, which is an awesome feeling in such a disorienting element. Then, however, the ride is over. Overall a great old ride, but maybe not worth the long lines it usually gets.

  • Daniel Stark

    Komfort Spaß Thematisierung

    Overhated ride, in my opinion. If you find this too rattly and pointless, go ride an RCCA. The trains are great, with very comfortable cushions and not too bad lap bars. They are not Millenium Flyers, but still nice. It does have a small rattle, but it's bearable. I got two rides, one on the second last row and on the second first train on the morning; another on the second first row and on the second last train of the day. Funny coincidences! The back was a bit better for the drop. The turns were a bit pointless, true, but the hills gave some decent floater, which was a lot of fun. And it was a woodie; that adds points for me ;) However, it lacks some theming. I love what the park's been doing lately to other lands and rides, and I hope they get round to renovating Werewolf and the area (the bumper cars, Vampire and so) soon.

  • Daniel Stark

    Thematisierung Schoßbügel Spaß Enttäuschend!

    The ride has some decent theming and it looks great from the outside. I find the boats very comfortable, including a small hole on the seats to avoid puddles. I've always loved water rides to have (good) coaster restraints, and this lap bars are pretty good. The ride, though short, was fun, and it was very well measured to avoid too extreme a splash. For such a high speed, I didn't get too wet, which was great, as it was a cold morning yet. Nevertheless, it was a bit disappointing, as I expected a bit more. The spikes felt a bit pointless, as a couple of days before I had experienced Fury's... And the airtime on the third launch was good, but I sort of expected more. Overall, enjoyable ride, but I don't find it as great as many say.

  • Daniel Stark

    First Drop Hangtime Kapazität Enttäuschend!

    Capacity capacity CAPACITY. According to RCDB, this coaster was designed to have 8 trains. I believe it only had 4, of which only three were operating, and it was quite a busy day. Bobbejaanland isn't prepared for crowds. Besides, this filthy ride didn't have an unloading station. Why?! With such a horrible cappacity, at least add that. They did have the space, there was always one train inside the station building, stopped, waiting for the one at the front to end loading and let it start unloading. And the coaster wasn't worth the wait. For a beyond vertical drop (the first one I've experienced), it wasn't that good. Yeah, some ejector, but not very strong and not very sustained. I've done way better drops. The loop didn't provide either decent hangtime or positives. The barrel rolls did provide great hangtime, but the harness and the shaky transitions sort of ruined it. Okay, I'm been too harsh, the ride isn't that bad, but you must understand my mood wasn't particularly good after waiting over 100 minutes to get on it, with the queue barely moving at all and seeing plenty of free seats on the trains, even sometimes two adjacent ones!!! Really, this park needs a single rider line. This was one of the most "expensive" credits I've done.

  • Daniel Stark

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Unangenehm

    I really like Maurer SCs and, although this wasn't the best (that goes to Tarántula so far), it was still a lot of fun. It's very family-friendly, but the smooth spinning around is quite enjoyable. I must say, I liked the coaster itself (not the experience as a whole) more than the Winjas. The trains could do with some theming, however, and they are rather uncomfortable. There is something at the back that really hurts my spine. By the way, brace yourself at the end, the alignment system is "powerful" here.

  • Daniel Stark

    Zu kurz Enttäuschend!

    From reviews I expected this to be a very weird and fun ride. Well, it certainly was weird, but not as fun as I had thought. I expected it to be darker, with more effects and cool lights, a bit like Rock'n Roller Coaster, as well as slightly more intense, with maybe some airtime pops like on Bob Express. However, it was just a fast (and man, did it feel fast) downwards turn, and the ride felt a bit too short. The Mount Mara VR option wasn't available for some reason, which was quite a disappointment, as I usually enjoy VR coasters. Oh, and the longest train in the world was hilarius, it made the experience definetely worth it.

  • Daniel Stark

    Spaß Enttäuschend!

    Another wild mouse clone. For some reason, I found the one at Movie Park a lot more fun. Maybe the trims here hit harder.

  • Daniel Stark

    Thematisierung Unangenehm Irrelevant

    The (new?) station building is pretty nice, i didn't expect that theming from this park. The ride, however, is quite pointless. Not even propper for fearful kids and beginners due to the height and suspended trains. And it is uncomfortable. It somehows accelerates and decelerates very awkwardly on some turns, leading to bumbs and discomfort. Just a cred.

  • Daniel Stark

    Spaß Sanftheit Thematisierung

    It's a nice kiddie, although its height seems quite impressive for such. After Bob Express, this felt extremely smooth, with perfectly calculated transitions and forces as well as comfortable trains, which is quite unusual in kiddies. I don't mind the lack of theming (it's Bobbejaanland, after all), and the trains are nice, but at least paint the track any other colour. I can't stand entirely white coasters, it's a colour that easily gets dirty, doesn't look appealing and it is NoLimits 2 default colour, so it seems they didn't even change that ;)