• Chubba247

    Thematisierung Dauer Unangenehm

    I can confidently say in my opinion, this is the best themed ride in the world. I have seen nothing in real life or on videos that even comes close to this. The area this coaster flies around is phenomenal. The coaster unfortunately just lacks intensity or interest in the layout and I'm really not a fan of the riding position you're in, I find it more uncomfortable than B&M Flying Coasters. a couple nice pops of air time at the front, the loading on system is really cool and practical, the rolls are fun, the way it weaves around the surroundings is sick, impressive coaster.

  • Roger B.

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Spaß Kapazität

    Coaster familial très sympathique. Il ne faut pas s'attendre à des sensations intenses mais il a suffisamment d'atouts pour être apprécié à sa juste valeur. La thématisation de l'attraction (et de toute la zone) est très jolie. Le parcours est assez long. Le principal défaut est son débit qui est inévitablement lié au fait que ce sont des wagons de 4 personnes. Autant le faire dès l'arrivée dans le parc afin de profiter de la plus courte attente possible !

  • Chubba247

    Schoßbügel Inversionen Hangtime

    It's basically just Colossus but vastly improved by the restraints, a strangely welcome addition to the UK.

  • Music TV

    Standort Layout Hangtime Kapazität

    Doesn't deserve the hate

  • Chubba247

    Thematisierung Tempo Meisterwerk

    Stunning ride that doesn't have a single dull moment, with everything being so tight and close you really feel the speed. Theming is just next level. The music leading into silence before the first launch really builds the tension. Super long, super smooth, super whippy, I have too many good things to say about this ride.

  • Matthias Degryse

    Abschuss Spaß Hangtime Kapazität

    The best coaster I have ever ridden. It has everything. Speed, hangtime, airtime, onboard music, theming, spinning, ... its a masterpiece

  • Chubba247

    Thematisierung Abschuss Sanftheit Rückhaltebügel

    The launch feels like a slingshot, you pick a lot of speed up in such a short amount of time which makes for a really fun start to the ride. Everything until the trim break is fast and whippy, with one element that took me by surprise. The house the station resides in is really cool and Anubis is surprisingly smooth, but is let down by nasty over the shoulder restraints that despite it's smoothness, caused a lot of discomfort for the people i went with who experienced headbanging and shoulder pain. everything after the trim break is pointless and slow, and the final roll only there to cause more discomfort for people that are on the shorter side.

  • Joan E.

    Inversionen Spaß Rückhaltebügel Rütteln Thematisierung

    Excusez moi, mais en 2017 il y avait moyen de faire 100 fois mieux en therme de thématisation, sur tout pour un groupe comme disney. Par contre, mettre les harnais moulants évite bon nombre de chocs. À propos de choc, dans la zone de freins il faut faire attention, car cela peut être assez violent. Alors, on sent que le parcours est mal fait, mais cela ajoute un coté fun. Et pour finir, on parcourt une vrille, tout d'un coup les lumières s'allument et on voit qu'on est à l'envers.

  • Totally Max

    Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    I was hestitiating to go on it as I stood in front of it. Trust me, it's not worth the cred! Even though I can now say I've ridden the worst ranked coaster in the world.. (yay!)

  • eamon marsden

    Thematisierung Abschuss Meisterwerk

    SO MUCH FUN! The theming is incredible, its breathtaking and the launches are so punchy. Some great intensity moments and whippy turns and transitions.