Achterbahn Rezensionen
Thematisierung Ejectors Unangenehm
Rien a dire c'est une wild mouse quoi
Thematisierung Dauer Intensität
Coaster avec une théma a la phantasialand et fun a rider
Nette Überraschung! Spaß Intensität Zu kurz
this is what you call a "near extreme" coaster.its a nice surprise, + it has a FREAKING overbank on it.
First Drop Tempo Intensität Rückhaltebügel
Insane coaster, super intense with surprising airtime on the fast switchbacks. Great drop with ejector in the back, the grey out turn is the most intense element in the world imo. The lap bar sometime staples you, and the shoulder straps are necessary so if people grey out their neck doesn't get snapped. Thoosies need to stop being entitled about them.
First Drop Sanftheit Kapazität Unangenehm
Smooth wild mouse with a fun first drop, the turns are very uncomfortable in the tight trains with no padding on the sides, and the line is almost always 30+
Thematisierung Abschuss Rütteln Unangenehm
Fun little launch and the helix is pretty intense, very shaky ride with bad trains though. There is a surprise pop of airtime in the back of the train going under the bridge though.
Thematisierung Inversionen Spaß Rütteln Unangenehm Dead spots
Fun spaghetti bowl, alright launch, pretty shaky and you can hardly feel the inversions. The darkness is fun, and the theming is pretty great for cedar fair.
Inversionen Standort Hangtime Headbanging Irrelevant Dead spots
Very rough and boring ride, but the inversions in the first half are forceful, the tunnel is a cool touch, and the corkscrews give some of the best hangtime.
La théma fait absolument tout le travail ce qui nous donne un très sympathique coaster familial
Thematisierung Spaß Kapazität
Version améliorée d'un modèle de série qui a déjà prouvé, débit absolument honteux pour un resort de ce calibre.