• Pierre R.

    Spaß Rütteln Kapazität Intensität

    Des sensations inexistantes, un train qui passe les camelbacks au ralenti et qu'il faut remplir de sacs de sable pour qu'il termine le parcours, des vibrations abominables tout le long, et tout ça après une file d'attente interminable. Anaconda est tellement nul que j'ai eu un fou rire en le ridant, du coup j'en garde quand même un bon souvenir ! De là à le refaire...

  • Adam Tortorello

    Headbanging Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    I've ridden 207 coasters and this jewel is #207. It gave my head such pressure and discomfort for only a 25 second ride. Advil please. This was one and done.

  • Adam Tortorello

    Standort Tempo Intensität Dead spots

    Not to be missed. Best location for a wooden coaster I've seen except maybe Beast and Voyage. You are hovering above Lake Erie before plunging into wilderness and a blue tunnel over the road, with no way to foresee where the track will take you. Even though this coaster is ranked in the 80s, it is STILL UNDERRATED.

  • Julian R.

    Intensität Dauer Zu kurz

    I just like spinning coasters. A Gerstlauer coaster is awesome, and the spinning ones are underrated. If you have nobody sitting across from you, you’ll be spinning so intensely. It’s short, but it’s still a great ride.

  • Luc R.

    First Drop Thematisierung Inversionen Rückhaltebügel

    Très bonne découverte. Cependant, c’est déplorable d’avoir à retenir son harnais pour profiter pleinement du ride. Il commence à vibrer légèrement en fin de journée même si ça reste minime. À surveiller

  • Heiko Hartmann


    Unbelievable bad restraints.

  • Heiko Hartmann

    First Drop Rütteln Headbanging Kapazität

    Unbelievable bad capacity lead to 120 minutes wait times, rattly ride (especially on the outside seats), horrible head- and footbanging. Not sure why this ride is the only one which needs a locker in SFMM. The first drop is great though, but overall the ride is not that intense (but uncomfortable). Arrow seemed to have a problem stopping the seats from wildly swinging around, which caused the worst headbanging I ever had on any of the 900+ coasters I have ridden so far. I consider this a failed concept.

  • Coaster Nut

    Inversionen Zu kurz

    I rode this in 1987, just a year after it opened in Frontier City. It was a fun, smooth ride back then. The train seems to just creep over the top of the lift hill, and thus the first drop feels really slow. I'm hoping to make it back to OKC to see how well it's aged.

  • Rik Steetsel

    Airtimes Inversionen Komfort

    This was the coaster i came for to Denmark, and when i rode it for the first time i fell in love of this Vekoma beauty. I love a good layout and the inversions are great on this especially the one that fly through the station. Nice airtime hills and sharp transitions. A very good coaster for Denmark and my nr 1 For Denmark.

  • Rik Steetsel

    Airtimes Abschuss Layout Zu kurz

    I rode this coaster for the first time on 21 May 2022 as the first coaster of the day. And it has a quick launch that i love and great inversions. Also a good layout but its a Gerstlauer so its not the smoothest but its a very nice coaster. I like this Gerstlauer launches and i love his brother Anubis in Plopsaland more.