Achterbahn Rezensionen
Spaß Intensität Layout Rütteln
It’s an intense invert with some amazing moments. It’s fast paced, it’s fun, and it’s got a great layout. The rattle isn’t too big of a problem for me.
Abschuss Sanftheit Hangtime Zu kurz
The launch is great, and I love that enormous vertical loop right after. I love how the operators trick you for when they launch. The reverse launch out of the tunnel is my favorite part. The top hat is quite strange, though. Usually you get airtime at the top of the top hat, but on Full Throttle you get it when you go down. People hate on this ride for the breaks on the top hat, but without them, I think it would be *too* intense. My only real complaint is that it feels like half a ride.
It’s cute I guess but I wouldn’t recommend riding unless you’re looking for more credits.
Airtimes Sanftheit Layout Kapazität
This ride is crazy fun! The airtime hill after the dive loop is amazing and the stall is absolutely bonkers!
Inversionen Meisterwerk Sanftheit Unangenehm
This ride was amazing. That Pretzel Loop was absolutely insane! It was smooth as glass, and had great pacing. My only real complaint is that it’s uncomfortable, but all Flyers are like that anyways.
It’s actually pretty fun for a kiddie ride.
Rütteln Enttäuschend! Dead spots
It’s just boring and straight up uncomfortable.
One of the better Wild Mouses. (Wild Mice?) The theming is okay I guess.
Standort Unangenehm Reißt es ab! Irrelevant
My god those shin guards are brutal. The seats are so cramped and tiny. I don’t get why this ride exits, it’s just your basic wild mouse coaster, something Knott’s really doesn’t need. The only real good thing I have to say is that it’s in a nice area of the park.
Only went on it for the credit and it hurt lol.