• Vincent VT

    Irrelevant Layout

    J'ai surtout le souvenir que le wagon de devant allait venir m'écraser dans le looping.

  • raphi Coasters

    Headbanging Unangenehm Irrelevant

    Bah c'est une wild mouse quoi, y'a rien d'exceptionnel à par que celle-ci spin moins que les autres déjà ridé

  • Marcel van der Laan

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Inversionen

    Great family coaster, awesome theming and good addition to the park.

  • Vinnie T

    Intensität Rütteln Enttäuschend! Unangenehm

    I was expecting this coaster to be at least decent... what I got was a super janky, super rough ride. Even after leaving the lift hill which had a very painful bump... I knew this wasn't going to be good. Nothing about this ride is smooth, the restraints are not well padded and somewhat tight... making the ride feel like death. The dive turn is the only good thing about this ride but even then... that can't save it from being a terrible ride experience! If you thought Arrows and old Vekomas (SLCs, Boomerangs) were rough... they ain't got nothing on this abomination!

  • Vinnie T

    Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    My least favorite roller coaster. If you want a ride to get you sick and ruin your day... this is it! I don't know why people like spinning wild mice so much, either they're painful (Exterminator at Kennywood), boring (Primeval Whirl at Disney's Animal Kingdom) or they would make you so dizzy and sick that you feel like your vision is constantly spinning (this abomination). This one is particularly bad because of how much it spins. I am somewhat okay with spinning rides but this takes it way too far. I spun so fast that I almost threw up and on a coaster like this? It hurts on the turns as well. They did not do a good job with replacing Two-Face with this monstrosity. Now once I think about it... this is the worst coaster experience I had.

  • Baptiste Houllé

    Airtimes Nette Überraschung! Layout Zu kurz Kapazität

    Très bon coaster intense, un triple lunch qui fonctionne bien. Un bon éjector au top spin après les 3 luncher. C'est validé

  • Baptiste Houllé

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Kapazität Dead spots

    Mon meilleur powered jusqu'à là, très fun !

  • Baptiste Houllé

    Headbanging Kapazität Unangenehm

    SLC vekoma à ne pas faire, risque de blessure ?

  • Baptiste Houllé

    Spaß Zu kurz Thematisierung Schoßbügel

    Familly sympa, par contre ma lap barre était au niveau de mes genoux, j'ai failli mourir, sinon ca va !

  • Stéphane R.

    Thematisierung Abschuss Tempo Rückhaltebügel Intensität

    Très bonne ambiance dans la file d'attente ! Dommage que le ride qui suit soit pas fifou mais au moins ça passe pour du vekoma old school.