• Justin Fraselle

    Standort Dead spots

    Sur freinée tout le long du parcours excepté la partie finale...

  • TheClassicRemake Man

    First Drop Inversionen Spaß Intensität

    Not the greatest floorless, I've ridden 3 that are better. I've ridden 6 total floorless coasters.

  • TheClassicRemake Man

    First Drop Inversionen Intensität Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm

    One of the most intense B&Ms out there, I really like how intense it is. Keep your head forward and it becomes enjoyable.

  • TheClassicRemake Man

    First Drop Inversionen Intensität Rütteln

    Demon is in my opinion the best Arrow I've ridden. Sure it's rough, but I honestly don't care (I ride defensively anyway). Do not skip! Number 5 at Great America for me.

  • Antoine Wauty

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Kapazität

    C'est fun, la musique (qui est de la Dubstep) c'est juste cool

  • Jack Jack J.

    Standort Intensität Sanftheit

    Manta is my current favorite flying coaster. I think it has a compact, action-packed, and intense layout that features several fantastic near misses that make the ride. The location and setting create so many great interactions. The ride itself looks beautiful, especially the second half. The color scheme is pretty, the train looks great, and the landscaping around the ride is top tier. The entrance looks good with the rock work and awesome signage, plus the queue line is good as well as it also functions as an aquarium. The ride itself is great. The first drop is fun and then comes the most intense part of the ride. You dive into a pretzel loop that crushes you with positive G's. You then go through an inline twist which is a unique and fun feeling while flying and then traverse a tight turn that also has plenty of positives, You go through a zero-g roll which is similar to the inline twist in how it's just a really weird feeling while flying. You hop into the mid-course and then begin the second half which is full of near misses. You drop and bank right over the water which sprays as the train passes. You climb to the right where you fly past some rock work that feels way too close. You go through one last inline twist and then bank right way too close to the ground on then left and way too close to the tree branches on the right. Manta is an incredibly intense ride that has a beautiful setting and great landscaping allowing for some amazing moments. Great flying coaster.

  • Lucas Le coca

    Komfort Spaß Dauer Dead spots Layout

    je trouve que anaconda soufre de sa réputation alors qu'il n'est pas si mal

  • Lucas Le coca

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Sanftheit Zu kurz

    Un très bon supersplash

  • Lucas Le coca

    Thematisierung Tempo Spaß Rütteln Zu kurz Airtimes

    J'ai était très agréablement surpris par la théma, c'est un très bon ajout au parc c'est exactement ce qu'il fallait, bravo nigloland !

  • Lucas Le coca

    Kapazität Komfort Spaß

    j'ai était déçu par la théma de se coaster sa fait vraiment carton pate mais si non sa reste très fun à faire