• MarcoCoaster

    Thematisierung Spaß Zu kurz

    la thema est très sympa après bon le layout vous attendez pas a de grosse sensations car sa reste un powered mack mes c'est fun a ridé . par contre un 2ème tour serais sympa car ses un peut court après 1 tour c'est mieux pour le débit .

  • mallau

    Airtimes First Drop Komfort

    Zadra c'est tout simplement fabuleux, 2 ans que j'attendais patiemment de le faire et arrivé au premier ride en début de journée c'était déjà incroyable, premier hyper, premier RMC, et dire que 24h avant, mon top 1 était Alpina Blitz, il a vite dégagé.. Premier ride au first row et même le matin la drop est excellente, cette sensation de vitesse folle est amplifiée par les supports traversés a toute vitesse donnant l'impression de s'engouffrer dans les entrailles de la machine.. des inversions plutôt planantes a mon gout, bien que très rapides, sûrement car on me l'avait énormément vendu, cela rendait l'experience moins surprenante.. puis la nuit tombe, et là, c'est une toute autre histoire. depuis la file d'attente on ne peut qu'observer le wave turn passé si violemment et entendre le rugissement des roues sur le track. C'est exceptionnel, on a eu la chance de profiter du last row (ou des rangs juste devant) sur chaque ride de nuit et cela fait toute la différence. on ne touche pas le putain de siège sur 3/4 de la drop, c'est hallucinant a quel point ce coaster est fabuleux, chaque élément est violent, les ejectors complètement incroyables (mec) et les inversions géniales, après chaque ride la réaction est la même, on est époustouflé et on ne demande qu'a le refaire, un chef d'oeuvre.

  • Maddox Cox

    Thematisierung Zu kurz Dead spots Intensität

    Pros - Fun for kids, themed to one of the best Peanuts specials of all time, Isn't painful Cons - Everything else

  • Maddox Cox

    Thematisierung Unangenehm Reißt es ab! Airtimes

    I would rather step on a million Legos while in a briar patch in the middle of Texas than ride this crap again. This ride is painful and should be rebuilt like it's California cousin, my crotch hits the T-bar, my back hits the headrest, this is an example of how NOT to maintain a coaster and how NOT to deliver airtime. This coaster has aged like milk on a hot Florida son.

  • Maddox Cox

    First Drop Hangtime Dauer Rütteln Headbanging Unangenehm

    Please do not ride the back, I made a huge mistake doing just that on my first and only visit to Cedar Point. I think it's better in the front, but the back was pretty dreadful, the cobra roll has tons of headbanging, your head feels like jelly, and your body feels like a pinball. Overall, as a person who rode a similar coaster (Batman SFOG) in the front, riding Raptor in the back was a bad idea.

  • Tropics Tracker

    First Drop Thematisierung Rütteln Unangenehm

    This has a solid drop in the dark which comes out of nowhere, along with the second drop being great too. The Theming is amazing in the dark ride part and also there is some nice touches outside. However it has Discomfort with my spine being rattled around after the second drop of the lift hill, and the rattle on the inversions.

  • Tropics Tracker

    First Drop Inversionen Hangtime Headbanging Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm

    The First Drop was great for me, and i got some good hangtime over that loop and the last 2 of the quadruple barrel roll. This is packed with good inversions, but it's trains are really bad. Its not the worst, but it provides some leg discomfort and along with that the restraints have some headbanging. I think new trains would give this ride a much needed boost in quality.

  • Tropics Tracker

    First Drop Standort Dauer Unangenehm Airtimes

    A hyper providing some great on coast views due to the location of the ride. It has a long duration with a great first drop! But i mainly like hypers for Airtime and this offers little to none. It is a bit discomforting but not to bad overall.

  • Tropics Tracker

    Standort Headbanging Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm

    Its very rough, with some of the most headache inducing headbanging. Don't need to say anymore. However the only reason i don't rank it 1 star or less is because the location is very good, over the water and all. Makes some nice photos.

  • Tropics Tracker

    Inversionen Nette Überraschung! Intensität Headbanging Unangenehm

    Was a very good suprise, considering Infusion is one of the worst rides i've ever ridden. It was a great SLC, throwing in intensity, great inversions and so on. It does still suffer from headbanging and general discomfort like other SLCS but not as much on the level as Infusion.