• Trim Brakes 06

    Inversionen Abschuss Tempo Schoßbügel

    This is a very underrated ride. The first half is great, with a fun fast launch, and three fast, forceful, and disorienting inversions. Lots of people complain about the second half being rough and boring. While I can see people calling it rough, I don't think it's boring at all. The turns and transitions have very imperfect profiling, but it makes the second half feel a lot more out of control. I also love how your constantly building up speed. The last corkscrew is also pretty intense. My only con is the lap bar and the trains. The just aren't comfortable to sit in, but they don't detract much from the ride experience.

  • Pierre C.

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung!

    Très belle découverte. Début splendide. Belle thématisation, surtout dans la file d'attente. Beau parc à découvrir

  • Powerful coasters

    Tempo Intensität Ejectors


  • Alexandre CF

    Standort Spaß

    Après Tennessee Tornado, encore un Arrow qui passe très bien pour son âge. Sans être de son niveau de son cousin de Dollywood, ça reste sympathique à faire avec une situation au top comme toujours à BGW.

  • Brian Sheldon

    I rode this when they had the trains turned around backwards. I believe I remember correctly that the right side was backwards and the left was forward. Forward was good. Backwards, in the last seat, was epic. It did exactly what we all want all coasters to do--it just delivered fun. I literally laughed the entire time. I had to wipe tears of joy off my face after every ride. I believe we rode it 10 times in one weekend. It was one of the best ride experiences I have ever had.

  • Brian Sheldon

    I rode this when they had the trains turn around backwards. I believe the right side was running backwards and the left side was normally. Forward it is just a nice, classic, John Allen goodness coaster. Decent speed, decent hints of air--overall a very decent coaster.

  • Alexandre CF

    Sanftheit Zu kurz

    Très sympa mais m’a paru bien moins agressif que son clone White Lightning à Orlando (mais aussi bien moins vibrant). Les airtimes se font quand même difficilement ressentir et même au premier rang… Heidi restera donc le troisième meilleur Coaster du parc selon moi derrière Anubis et évidemment RTH.

  • Alexandre CF

    Nette Überraschung! Abschuss Zu kurz Rückhaltebügel

    Bon Coaster à sensations de taille moyenne ! Je m’attendais à ce que ça bastonne et bien ça va, c’est même relativement confortable pour du Gerstlauer malgré les harnais (des trains d’Infinity seraient préférables). Le Launch arrache bien et gros Ejector sur le Top Hat. Pour être tatillon le layout manque peut-être un peu d’originalité et est un peu court mais c’est vraiment pas mal. En le refaisant je me dis que c’est quand même très brusque.

  • Kellen Grady

    Abschuss Layout Zu kurz

    Fun little quick coaster with a really cool loop around the otherwise useless Jaguar!'s track. I enjoy this one despite it's length.

  • Kellen Grady

    Thematisierung Rütteln Unangenehm

    Cute theme, but just pretty uncomfortable. I'll still ride it if I have time just for the theme, but the cars are super small and it's not great as a wild mouse coaster.