• Drive Safely

    Airtimes First Drop Komfort

    Incredible hyper with a great first drop, fantastic airtime moments, and the clampshell restraints are so comfortable except for the fact that they come down further during the ride. Overall a great ride and my number two.

  • Like coaster

    Dauer Kapazität

    attraction génial qui vaut le détour ! pour moi c'est la meilleure attraction que j'ai ridé!!!!!!!!!!

  • Trim Brakes 06


    Launch go zoom

  • Trim Brakes 06

    Tempo Intensität Layout

    This ride is insane. The pacing is amazing, and every element delivers. Literally every vally has strong positive gs, and I mean every vally. The vally between the Immelmann and the Zero-G roll has positives. The entrance and exit of the batwing have positives. Even the exit of the corkscrew has positives, and that corkscrew is probably the whippiest corkscrew ever. The ride is intense, compact, and relentlessly paced. Everything I could want in an invert.

  • Trim Brakes 06

    Abschuss Intensität Layout

    I remember really enjoying this ride when I rode back in 2018. Unfortunately, stupid 2018 me, didn't ride in the back, so I can't testify to how insane the drop is back there, but I remember it being pretty intense in the front though. The ride is fast and intense, the transitions are whippy, the airtime is strong, the launch is amazing, and the location is awsome. A little overrated, but still an amazing ride.

  • Trim Brakes 06

    Standort Tempo Spaß Rütteln

    I remember really liking this ride, but my memory of it is waning. The only things I vividly remember are the amazing view, the first airtime hill giving great floater air, and the ride having somewhat of a rattle. Still a very fond memory nonetheless.

  • Trim Brakes 06

    Airtimes Tempo Spaß

    This is easily B&M's best. The layout is amazing. It does so many things great. The first drop, and treble cleff give great flojector air, and the last three hills give straight up ejector. The transitions on this ride are perfect. My favorite part of the ride are the high speed switch backs after the first turn around. The provide super fun laterals, airtime, speed, and even some positive gs. The positives gs on this ride are also really underrated. I grayed out going into the first turn around on all 10 rides. I even grayed out going into treble cleff a few times. The sense of speed is also amazing, and the main reason this is a front row coaster for me. The wind in your face is so intense that you can barely keep your eyes open, and in the front, you can feel the speed for the whole ride. The interaction with the front pathways also adds so much fun factor to this ride. I was skeptical of all the hype going in, but this really is a masterpiece. Easily a top 5 coaster for me.

  • Trim Brakes 06

    Standort Hangtime Headbanging Irrelevant Layout

    This ride is alot like my Biology teacher, stupid.

  • Trim Brakes 06

    Spaß Rütteln Unangenehm

    This ride is so rough it's actually kind of fun. It did give me a bad headache though, so it was a one and done.

  • Trim Brakes 06

    Airtimes Spaß Dauer

    This is easily my number 1. All though it's been 3 years since I've been to CP, I still very much remember how breathless I was after every ride on this. While the ride is definitely focused on airtime, the ride also has things like, hangtime, laterals, transitions, headchoppers, and crazy pacing to compliment the airtime. There's so much variety among the airtime, however, that it never gets repetitive. It's hard to describe just why exactly this coaster is my favorite. It just seemed to be the perfect mix of fun, and relentless craziness.