• Thomas C.

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Layout Headbanging

    Une partie dark ride très plaisante et intense. Une seconde partie plus inconfortable : dive loop qui baffe, harnais trop durs et manque de fluidité dans les transitions. Excellente théma.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Nette Überraschung! Abschuss Spaß

    Rode it for the last time 2 days before closing in the front row, and that was a really good ride. The launches have a little force to them, and the spikes give a weird and fun sensation. Wicked Twister also doesn’t hurt like possessed did for some reason but I’m glad it doesn’t. Overall nothing special but it was a pretty fun ride

  • Carter Eckhart

    First Drop Spaß Hangtime Intensität

    It’s a fun ride but nothing special. The Jojo roll and first drop are pretty good but the rest of the ride doesn’t do much. Overall one of the weaker floorless coasters to me.

  • Krzysztof Czaplicki

    Sanftheit Layout

    This is quite funny, because if someone asked me what are your best 3 memories from Heide Park rollercoasters, I would answer: Colossos airtimes, Desert Race launch and Krake's first drop. And this is, I think, the biggest problem with this thing - there is no "WoW" effect, even though there is very rare dive drop and the only demonic knot in the world. The second problem is the theming (which, compared to other coasters in Heide, is wonderful, but it is because absolutely dreadful theming of most of the attractions in this park) - OK, there is quite nice entrance, there are stylish trains, there is even speaker with scary sounds, but c'mon - I want to feel the evil. But if someone asked me what is the best roller coaster in Heide Park, I would answer Flug der Damonen. Why? Because there is everything (except from "WoW" effect moment) you can imagine: constant action, inversions, nice speed, good dive drop and legendary smoothness of B&M rides. Very strong 4 stars, with only a little gap to 4,5 stars rating. Strongly recommended!

  • Krzysztof Czaplicki

    Abschuss Intensität Sanftheit Zu kurz

    I love this thing, it is extremely good fun generator. Nicely design station equipped with new Vekoma trains, the same which are used in Lech in Legendia. I really like launched coasters, so first 2 seconds are great, albeit worse than on Desert Storm in Heide. However, remaining part of track is much better than there: great inversions (especially sidewinder), nice corners, few airtimes - everything in great pace, perfectly smooth, really close to the ground which makes that you feel the speed more. It is a shame that the track is not a little bit longer and the theming a little bit better - that is why "only" 4.5 stars from my side.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Thematisierung Inversionen Intensität

    A good surprise of a ride. I was impressed by the near misses. The fire was cool and I thought the ending with the corkscrews was one of the best near misses ever. The ride was super smooth and intense as expected but the extra added theming, near misses, and effects really made me like this more then some other great floorless coasters like Kraken.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Airtimes Schoßbügel Nette Überraschung! Dead spots

    This was a great surprise. I figured it would be the best in the park but it still destroyed all expectations. I thought it had a solid first drop and the first turn was great. The first big hill gave stronger air then I was expecting. The big helix if fun. Definitely would be better use of space as something else but still not bad. The straight section is the biggest thing holding this ride back. I'd love more hills here. The next hill is absolutely insane. It felt like El Toro's rolling thunder hill. One of the strongest airtime moments I've ever experienced. The return trip has strong pops as well. Fantastic ride.

  • Coaster Demon

    Airtimes Ejectors Dauer

    This ride is a absolute masterpiece. It has strong ejector airtime on every single hill. The inversions are whippy and snappy and the ride is extremely aggressive and very smooth. Overall this is a perfect roller coaster and my number 1 coaster I've ridden

  • Blake S.

    Standort Tempo Dauer Enttäuschend! Unangenehm

    This is one of the most difficult times I have had ranking a coaster. If I had stopped riding after my third ride I would have this higher. I had one great ride, two that were good but that were below expectations, and two that were too rough. After my first ride, I was definitely underwhelmed. I thought there would be more airtime, and stronger airtime. Not every moment delivered, and most were just floater. There was one sharp hill that delivered the best pop of airtime no matter where you sat, that was true ejector. But many hills did not deliver, most frustratingly the apparent double down going out. Laterals are pretty good all over. The front seat is easily the best seat. That is where I got the most airtime, and legitimately thought it was a top 20-25 experience (out of 100) that I had had on a coaster. But then I rode it two more times, and they were really rough, and that left me with a bad taste in my mouth as I went home. On the plus side, this has a fantastic setting in the woods, and it absolutely tears through the layout. I think my expectations were too high. I had three rides that were quite fun, just not world-class. I had two rides that beat me up. Be wary.

  • Arthur Dietrich

    Airtimes Komfort Tempo

    Une merveille, puissante du début à la fin , à faire et à refaire ! Le seul défaut c’est que le train arrive tellement vite sur les freins qu’on aurais envie que ça continu