• Lachlan S.

    A fun roller coaster but pretty short, riding in the trough is a nice sensation but it feels like we finish just as we're picking up speed.

  • Lachlan S.

    Only had one ride back in 2013 but really enjoyed it at the time. Wish I had the oppurtunity to try it again.

  • Lachlan S.

    Tried this again in 2019 after not enjoying it in 2013... incredibly rough, uncomfortable roller coaster. Heard other guests complaining about the ride too. Not good. Shame as it's a good setting for a roller coaster.

  • Lachlan S.

    This is a dark indoor coaster which doesn't do a whole lot. The park did not offer the virtual reality for my ride.

  • Lachlan S.

    Rode this after a fairly long day in torrential rain, and while it was rough I remember enjoying it so it couldn't have been that bad. Certainly better than Infusion at Blackpool. Plus the additional theming elements throughout the ride are pretty cool. But it's still just a standard SLC so not much point visiting unless you're in the Sun Moon Lake area anyway.

  • Lachlan S.

    Just a plain family coaster, though it is in a nice spot on top of a building and gives a good view over this part of Taibei

  • Lachlan S.

    A small children's roller coaster, but there is some theming in the queue and station.

  • Lachlan S.

    First Drop Intensität Sanftheit Zu kurz

    I didn't find the tilting itself as thrilling as I thought I would, but the first drop is good fun. The highlight of this ride is the underground corner after the first drop, during which I briefly greyed-out. Loop is good. Just a shame the ride is so short, and as the park was super quiet they were only dispatching it every 15-20 minutes or so.

  • Mathis Gullon

    Airtimes Meisterwerk

    Découvert pour ma part il y a quelques jours, Expédition Ge Force ne faillit pas à sa réputation. De cette first drop hallucinante à ces bosses à airtime qui vous éjectent de votre siège, pas grand chose à jeter. Holiday Park a bien conscience du caractère (à juste titre) mythique du grand-huit, et en prend grand soin. A l'heure où inversions tordues et éléments étonnants se multiplient, Expédition Ge Force nous rappelle surtout que le plus spectaculaire ne coïncide pas forcément avec le plus sensationnel.

  • Julian B.

    Airtimes First Drop Sanftheit

    Shambhala est un coaster incroyable qui mélange vitesse, hauteur, airtimes, fluidité et confort. Franchement, il n'a rien à envier à Hyperion ou d'autres hyper coasters B&M. Meilleur ride pour le moment pour ma part !?