• Nat Morales

    First Drop Ejectors Dauer Unangenehm Layout

    I love the eagle! It was my first big Wooden coaster in 2012, and it was amazing. I just wish it wasn't so rough, and I wish the helix didn't exist..

  • Nat Morales

    Thematisierung Inversionen Sanftheit Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm

    The line is super long. It's an okay wing coaster, but it is pretty short and slow. Still love it tho

  • Nat Morales

    Spaß Sanftheit Enttäuschend! Layout

    It's so slow, and the only good part is the pretzel loop...

  • Nat Morales

    Abschuss Intensität Sanftheit Zu kurz Zuverlässigkeit

    It took me 2 trips in the span of 2 years to finally get a full ride. 2019 waited 4 hours in the line & got a horrible sunburn. We got on, launched, and rolled backwards. Then this year (2021) waited over and hour in the sun, then the coaster broke down when we were next in line. I waited like 4 more hours and finally got a full ride. It was amazing, but I'll never go through that again.

  • Nat Morales

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Intensität Rückhaltebügel

    It's okay. I don't like these clone coasters tho

  • Nat Morales

    Komfort Irrelevant

    It's just lame. I've been on it like twice. And it wasn't my choice.

  • Nat Morales

    Thematisierung Headbanging Dead spots Layout

    The demon was my first looping coaster when I was 12. It's fun because of how old it is, and the theming. I love the rock formations around the loops, and the light up tunnel. The corkscrews feel like they're gonna kill me tho.

  • Aubin D.


    Silver Mountain est une vraie réussite pour la Mer de Sable. Le coaster en lui-même n'est pas intéressant, mais la théma est vraiment très soignée et le coaster s'intègre parfaitement dans le parc. Il manque, à mon sens, un peu de musique pour donner de la vie à la zone.

  • T U N A

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Dead spots

    This ride gets better every time. The more you ride the more you appreciate. Not ever worth the lines though.

  • Darek Domagała

    First Drop Kapazität Ejectors Rütteln

    I just love this ride. A lot of people writing about rattle, but i didn't feel it, even in the last row. The first airtime hill is just trying to take me out of my seat. Floater airtime hill is a small diapointment, but still a good fun.