• Coasteraph TV

    Nette Überraschung! Meisterwerk Intensität

    Un coaster juste incroyable qui se place tout en haut de mon classement ! Non seulement pour son layout ponctué d'airtimes, et d'éléments / inversions intenses, mais aussi pour sa thématisation ! Son layout commence par un heartline-roll bien surprenant qui donne un avant goût de ce que nous proposera le coaster, le train s'arrête sur le launch, la soundtrack s'accentue et le launch (bien puissant pour du Mack Rides) nous envoie sur le top hat ! Des éjectors sur la première partie du top hat à l'avant, et un plus gros éjector sur la first drop à l'arrière. Une fois la drop passée, nous passons sur un banana-roll renversant, plus sensationnel à certains endroits. Vient ensuite le looping qui peut faire vibrer quelques fois le train suivant l'angle du spin, et un bon petit zéro-g-roll, le tout sur le lac. Le train enchaîne sur le deuxième launch tout aussi bon mais qui a une bosse et donc procure un bon airtime qui nous envoie sur la deuxième partie du layout, plus rapide que la première, mais plus intense ! Un double inverted dive loop très puissant nous faire tourner dans tous les sens au dessus de la zone, pour ensuite enchaîner un bunny hop très puissant, un virage incliné à 90° et deux autres bunny hop qui procurent 2 éjectors à l'avant et à l'arrière, puis zone de frein. La zone et le coaster inspirés par Tomorrowland sont magnifiques, la théma est très réussie, à partir du moment où l'on franche l'arche de The Ride to Happiness on est dans une tout autre ambiance que l'on peut retrouver dans les parcs Plopsa, ce qui change ! La musique composée par Hans Zimmer est très belle, calquée sur le ride intense ! Pour ceux qui lisent mon avis et qui comptent se rendre sur le parc, je vous conseille le first et le last, où l'on a le plus de sensations (après c'est comme ça sur tous les coasters donc je ne vous apprends rien^^), sur les 2 et 3èmes rangs on ressent moins voir quelques fois pas les airtimes.

  • Chehine A.

    Kapazität Rütteln Headbanging Rückhaltebügel

    Nice try, intamin. Stick to whatever it is you do well. This ride was so pointless

  • gorka izu

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Intensität

    La mejor montaña rusa del parque!

  • gorka izu

    Inversionen Meisterwerk Intensität Rütteln


  • John Montague


    It’s fine. My review is probably a little biased, because there was a long delay in the station right before I rode it, and nobody likes getting on a coaster feeling frustrated and impatient. I could see my rating improving after a better experience in the queue. As a launch coaster, it’s middle of the road, nowhere close to Maverick. Maybe it was just my seat location, but that last launch practically threw my back out. It would be better if it was a little faster overall and a little smoother at the end there. It lacked the intensity I was hoping for. Dueling trains always make for a fun sideshow, and this is no exception. Gemini is a better duel, though.

  • Francisco Perez


    I am not bothered by the shin guards, but if I were, then I could totally call this by far the worst ride I've ever ridden. You will not feel airtime or laterals on this Wild Mouse... strange since these are the hallmarks of a common installation of this model. The hard hitting trims present neuter the forces to an extent where there are no forces felt. Thus providing a forceless experience. Timberline Twister is an all around stronger ride than this.

  • Francisco Perez

    Schoßbügel Abschuss Sanftheit Dead spots Layout

    This ride is a blast. The reason you ride is that beautiful 82 mile per hour launch, that accelerates to full speed in 2 seconds, that gives you a gut punch unlike no other... and is on LAP BARS! Even though this ride suffers thanks to its forceless overbooks and slow pacing at the end, the launch alone makes this ride amazing.

  • Francisco Perez

    Thematisierung Standort Spaß

    This ride is a nice mine train through Fiesta Village at Knott's. the station is well themed, the rides location in Fiesta Village cramped between the pyramid station, Silver Bullet, Montezooma, and the flat rides makes the views awesome, and this ride is long. Sit in the 1st car 3rd row to get an awesome ejector pop.

  • Francisco Perez

    Nette Überraschung! Intensität Headbanging

    This ride packs one hell of a punch with the out of control spinning and intense helixes. You will come off with a great gut punched aftershock, and you'll definitely want to ride again... this ride is fun for the whole family. Be aware though that at the ending helix there's a moment where your neck could potentially get banged hard.

  • Francisco Perez

    Inversionen Standort Intensität Dead spots Layout

    Up until recently I was one of this invert's strongest defenders. I had what was probably the most positive review of it in this platform, defending and finding the good in almost every aspect of this ride... however, after lots of thought and consideration, my love for it went down a TON... not really love anymore. While I think this ride is fun, smooth, and marathonable, I can't say it's the most forceful... the inversions this ride features aren't very intense. Some of them, like the zero g roll, provide a feeling of weightlessness, but most of them don't even provide a hint of gut punch or positive g force. This is due to the rides nonexistent whip... thanks to it's shallow drop, it doesn't have the momentum to speed thru the course providing amazing G force. So for almost all of the layout, the ride feels like a graceful flight... I will give props to B&M for including the amazing ending helix in the ride... you feel positives crushing you down, leaving you absolutely unable to move or think. If it weren't for this powerful ending, this coaster would honestly be completely forgettable ride experience wise. Shame it has a height requirement of 54 inches, because it would be a great ride for the little ones who enjoyed Jaguar... similar ride forces wise, just in inverted position, goes upside down, and with an intense ending. Also since this is Knott's, the ride will suffer from atrocious operations... I'd suggest waiting up until night when the rides a station wait because if it's lower than that then you're in for a 30 min or more wait