• Josh Lutz

    Inversionen Intensität Layout Rütteln Rückhaltebügel

    Good first drop with intense inversions but the thing about this ride is the fact it is flat out rough. It also has the vest for some reason.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Thematisierung Standort Spaß Dead spots

    Really cute, albeit mild ride that's basically just a delivery system for that trademark Disney theming. If you manage to get a ride during the fireworks display, you'll be treated to some gorgeous, if fleeting, views of the display from angles not normally seen by most Disney patrons.

  • Hana E.

    Sanftheit Thematisierung Zuverlässigkeit

    I've been to Alton Towers a number of times over the past couple of years and Galactica always seems to be closed. It's a decent enough ride - I've never ridden it with the VR headset and it's relatively comfy but it barely packs a punch compared to Nemesis which is right next door. I can take it or leave it.

  • Hana E.

    Kapazität Inversionen Intensität Unangenehm Intensität

    A very intense but amazing ride! Nemesis doesn't give you a break and I've found over the past few years that the queues are becoming surprisingly smaller! The theming is a little out-of-date now but this still continues to be (IMP) Alton Towers' most intense ride.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Rückhaltebügel Dead spots

    Ride was pretty boring, and had totally unnecessary OTSRs that made the ride experience even more unenjoyable than it already was.

  • Gauthier Menin

    Standort Irrelevant

    C'est mou et c'est visuellement très daté.

  • Gauthier Menin

    Reißt es ab! Irrelevant Dead spots

    Aucun intérêt, des coccinelles sont plus amusantes. Ne spin pas.

  • Gauthier Menin

    Nette Überraschung! Komfort Sanftheit

    Quelques à-coups secs et absence de Thema mais sinon assez bon et n'a pas baffé sur les deux rides effectués.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Airtimes Tempo Spaß Rütteln Unangenehm

    A bit rough, but this CCI woodie delivers mad airtime. Definitely was not expecting to enjoy this one was much as I did, but that airtime was just too good.

  • Evangelion Martini

    Meisterwerk Ejectors Headbanging Zu kurz Layout

    The ride kinda blows; but it's literally one of the most important coasters ever built, the first Arrow Corkscrew. This ride may be relocated, but it's still the same coaster that blew minds at Knott's in 1975 when it opened as the first modern inverting roller coaster. If you made the drive to this park, you might as well pay your respects and feel the history on the first Corkscrew. Also if you sit in the very back you get some nice ejector on the first drop.