• David Parrett

    Intensität Unangenehm

    This launched ride and its variants all leave me with a headache at the end. The theming is cool though.

  • David Parrett


    The stunts were all working and it made a huge difference compared to my home park’s version at Kings Dominion. It’s a great ride that I could actually want to re-ride, though not with a long wait.

  • David Parrett

    Standort Tempo Sanftheit

    Wow, after riding the other Arrow swinging coasters I wasn’t prepared for the amazing layout and location at Kings Island. Plus it was super smooth and just a lot of fun in the last row.

  • David Parrett

    Intensität Dauer

    This ride deserves every accolade a coaster can get. The intensity is there but so is the super long duration and weird custom layout. It’s the wood terrain coaster to end all terrain coasters. Ride it at night in the back.

  • David Parrett


    It’s your run-of-the-mill B&M looper with way too much force. It didn’t do anything for me.

  • David Parrett

    Airtimes Sanftheit

    It’s a bit more fun than Orion and the night rides I got in the back were so much fun looking at the moon going up the second hill. There’s lots of airtime but Goliath at SFoG is still my favorite B&M hyper.

  • David Parrett

    First Drop

    It’s a lot of fun and that first drop has me graying out every time, but it doesn’t have much personality or uniqueness. I like it better than Fury 325 but neither hold a candle to the two Intamin’s Millenium Force and Intimidator 305.

  • David Parrett


    It’s just pure adrenalin with nonstop pacing and elements. It’s a little too short, especially when compared to its neighbor The Beast, but it’s an excellent coaster at being super intense. It reminds me of the intensity of El Toro a little bit.

  • Joseph D.

    Airtimes Sanftheit Layout

    Griffon is the quintessential dive coaster- really good from either first or second row because you kinda hang there staring down at the drop to come before being released. Both the first drop/turn sequence and the slightly smaller second drop are great, I don't think the second drop is pointless or disappointing in comparison to the first. It is not quite long enough and has essentially has only one note throughout, but it does a great job with what its good at (dive). Surprisingly I ended up being more and more satisfied with Griffon as time in the park progressed because it allows the rider to pick and choose exactly which type of thrill/element/coaster they feel like experiencing at the time.

  • Joseph D.

    Airtimes Inversionen Ejectors Thematisierung

    I really really enjoyed Pantheon. It is not the longest, but it is so densely packed with fast/thrilling moments that the length is not a problem. I was literally tossed by Pantheon into the air out of my seat on the launcher going back down the hill. Starts off by speedily putting you upside down and then gives you an initial launch, giving a preview of what is to come. You then merge onto the main launcher section, which gets better and better with each launch- first launch shows the rapid acceleration it's capable of producing and sets up the fall back down the hill, which is so great and fresh, Launcher launches you backward this time and it is fast in a really surprising way, quickly going backwards and up a high vertical which is awesome by itself. But without hesitation. you hurtle down towards the launcher for the 3rd and final boost which this time you are ready for- however the steep steep hill/drop catches me off guard for the first 4 rides or so when marathoning it. The rest of the ride is equally interesting, you go upside down with lots of speed. No dead sections and no discomfort although pushing the limits of comfort definitely.