• Chehine A.


    This is awesome for children. Smooth, love the purple tracks.

  • Chehine A.

    First Drop Thematisierung Rückhaltebügel Rütteln

    First drop is amazing, feels like it goes on forever. First airtime hill was nice, but could be more intense. Second floater hill useless. Beautiful theming :you're travelling through space and arrive on another planet. And it really kinda feels like Rick and morty. Very high capacity : 32/train!! All in all very good ride.

  • Erik C.

    Headbanging Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    My first Boomerang was the one at Knott's, and I don' t remember it as being too painful. But after a few year break from Boomerangs, I ride this and the despise for this model is reignited. I rode front row, and the roughness combined with very intense positive Gs made my upper body feel like it was being pounded by one of those dirt compactors. I am now scarred by how painful it was and I'm never riding this again. I hope they scrap it.

  • Chehine A.

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Sanftheit

    This ride was a nice surprise. It's smooth, it's fun, maybe a bit short, but very nice ride. Some positive g forces. Very fun overall.

  • Erik C.

    Dead spots

    The comically long trains on Zierer family coasters make this ride crawl through the layout, so it isn't much fun. The ride is also shaky, which is again not uncommon for these Zierer models. However, the park needs this because they are severely lacking in family coasters. The next largest coaster is Boomerang or Batman, so there is a pretty serious gap in their lineup here.

  • Erik C.

    Airtimes Spaß Unangenehm

    Out of the few Free-Spins I have ridden, this was definitely middle of the road. This ride is a good fit for the park, given their current lineup. The best parts about these Free-Spins are the airtime and the forces you get from the the transitions. The main downsides for this ride are its lack of originality, length, and the minor discomfort found on all free spins. Overall this is a good ride, but only a supporting coaster in the lineup.

  • Pidge L.

    Airtimes Schoßbügel Intensität

    This ride is FANTASTIC! I feel like a lot of people either way overhyped or way underhyped this ride. This ride truly exceeded every expectation I had for it -- Except one. I expected the Helix to be more intense, but it was probably the most boring part of the ride on a ride FULL of fantastic elements! It's currently my 3rd favorite giga coaster, ahead of Leviathan and I305, but not nearly as good as Millennium Force or Fury 325

  • Édouard G.

    Nette Überraschung! Tempo Zu kurz

    alpine très court mais comportant une double hélice intéressante, avec une bonne vitesse vous pourrez être surpris des g latéraux...

  • Maxime A.


    Difficile de considérer ça comme un coaster. Le manque de relief fait plus penser à une sorte de monorail suspendu. Mais c'est sympa de survoler quelques allées du parc, d'autant plus qu'on y contrôle la vitesse (même si la vitesse max n'est pas très élevée).

  • Den

    Schoßbügel Layout Rütteln Unangenehm

    Great elements, I'd rate it 4 or more stars in 2016 - 2017 but now the rattle is becoming more and more apparent, with some pretty strong judder in one particular element of the ride I hope they can improve the smoothness, at it is detoriating at a rapid pace