• Erik C.

    Standort Rütteln Kapazität

    This is a weird coaster at a weird family park in the middle of nowhere, Oregon. The strangest part about the ride is probably the cars, which are fully enclosed and have bench seating like a log flume. Each car can uncomfortably seat 2 adults or an adult and two kids (I recommend asking to go solo in a car if you're a full sized human). In short, the layout consists of going up a lift hill into an "Ice Mountain" and then dropping out into the rest of the terrain layout. The greatest strength of this coaster is its location, as you ride through a tree filled hillside sort of like a mountain coaster. The worst part of this ride is how rough it is, but that is the same as what you would get on other family coasters from Zierer or E.F. Miller. Also, the capacity is terrible as each train only has 3 cars and that means on average 6 people per train. If you enjoy weird and quirky coasters, you will enjoy this one. Otherwise, I don't see why you would make the trek out to Oregon for this. TLDR: Discount Matterhorn Bobsleds.

  • Pierre Vaast

    Tempo Zu kurz

    Mon premier alpine coaster, et probablement un des plus courts ! Cela dit ça reste tout à fait une bonne machine disposant d'une excellente vitesse et un joli floating

  • Erik C.

    First Drop Sanftheit Zu kurz Kapazität

    This was my first Gerstlauer Eurofighter, and it was mostly what I expected. The first drop is fun, there is good hang time, and it is a smooth ride. The main weaknesses of this ride were that it wasn't very forceful, and that it is a short ride. However, it's still awesome that a small park like Oak's got a new addition from a top manufacturer. I probably won't go back to Oak's unless they add something unique down the line, but it's worth a stop if you're passing by Portland.

  • Erik C.


    This is a standard E&F Miler coaster, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It is fun in that you get whipped around with the lap bars, but that's the only interesting part. This park needs a kid/family coaster, and this is a solid ride for that slot.

  • Erik C.

    Nette Überraschung! Rütteln

    Being my first SBF Visa, I was pleasantly surprised by this compact spinning coaster. The one big issue is that when going over the lift tires, the cars shake like you're offroading. If you keep your head back, it will get jackhammered by the hard plastic back/headrest, so I recommend leaning forward during the ride. The surprising thing was, given my seating position, the cars would spin when you are spiraling down in a way that gives some solid Gs pushing you against your seat. But aside from that, the ride is very tame. This is definitely more interesting than most kiddie coasters, so it is a good fit for small parks like Playland's.

  • Erik C.

    Dead spots

    Even though this is a kiddie coaster, it was a bit disappointing for an E&F Miler coaster. Usually these smaller E&F Milers can have some little airtime pops on the bunny hills, but this one had none of that. There were no real forces, but the ride does jostle you around a bit on the turns. This ride fits the kiddie coaster spot, and it is a one-and-done.

  • Erik C.

    Standort Airtimes

    This is a custom E&F Miler family coaster, which stands out as it wraps around the larger GaleForce. The layout circles GaleForce twice, with a series of bunny hills and drawn out 180 degree turns. There was some light airtime coming off the drops, but I was expecting a little more from an E&F Miler. Overall, this is a unique and solid family coaster for the park that it's in.

  • Joel Simon

    Inversionen Layout Dauer Dead spots

    The coaster might have some rough transitions and 2 dead spots (strong mid course break, straight track near the end) but its one hell lot of fun to ride. It has a weird, unique layout and some cool intense inversions, like the batwing. The ride is also pretty long and smooth for an old Arrow. The seating was ok, not too uncomfortable. Thrill: 3.75/5

  • Maxime A.

    Rütteln Headbanging Reißt es ab!

    C'est un SLC

  • Erik C.

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Ejectors Rütteln

    This ride honestly blew me away by how fun it was. I was expecting an uncomfortable ride, as I had heard this was this was a rough coaster, but boy was that misleading. I will address this first to get it out of the way; There is some shakiness, but it doesn't take away from the ride at all in my opinion. It is not painful like a rough Arrow Looper or headbanging B&M, but you will feel the vibrations as you go through the layout. After the three shuttle launches, you go through a layout of top hat type turnarounds and snappy dive loops. You get AMAZING airtime at the top of each element, and the wacky profiling (especially the second spire that banks outwards at the top) has you flying out of your seat in multiple directions. I was ecstatic and laughing the entire time. And the cherry on top... you get to go through the whole layout twice.