• David Čuban

    First Drop Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    I was not expecting such a first drop!

  • David Čuban

    Standort Spaß Rütteln

    Mammut was a little disapointment to me. It is not an intense coaster and in some parts it rattles pretty much. On the other hand I love the preshow in the sawmill building before lift hill where you can smell the fresh wood.

  • David Čuban

    First Drop Komfort Spaß Zu kurz Layout

    Much more comfortable than Poseidon, but layout insn't that great. I like those two turntables and also first and also last drop. Theming is perfect.

  • David Čuban

    Thematisierung Layout Rütteln Unangenehm

    If some peaces of the track would be replaced, this water coaster would be awesome. But now it hurts more than it is enjoyable.

  • David Čuban

    Tempo Spaß

    Shaman is brother of Python from Efteling. This ride was much better fun than I imagined. I had to ride it two times. Not intense. I recommend it to people who want to experience an inversion for the first time.

  • David Čuban

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung!

    One of the best family coasters that I have ever ridden. Awesome theming, awesome design, great desing of the train, perfect interaction with the waterfall and also two laps special!

  • David Čuban

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Abschuss Layout Intensität

    After I entered the queue line I was amazed. Incredible theming. Great look of the station. Awesome launch. But then? Nothing has come.

  • David Čuban

    Tempo Spaß

    Brother of Shaman in Gardaland. A good family inverted coaster as I would call it. One con - I don't like, that I have to take my bag on the ride.

  • David Čuban

    Thematisierung Spaß Intensität

    Some effects in the dark was good. But I don't want to spoil it.

  • David Čuban


    What a classic ride! For it's age Nessie is still smooth and intense in some places.