• Jack Jack J.

    Thematisierung Standort Spaß Rütteln

    BTMR is a great Mine Train. Being the oldest of the WDW Mine trains this Arrow is still quite fun. It packs in a long ride with the three lift hills and has some great consistent theming throughout the queue and also the ride. The setting is great with the rockwork and the water nearby. The only complaint I have is that this Arrow has gotten quite a bit rougher then the Arrow in the park. Even so the ride is great and the best Arrow Mine Train I’ve done just beating Thunderation at Silver Dollar City.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Inversionen Standort Intensität Zu kurz

    This is a great coaster. It's intense just like you'd expect from a B&M looper. It's got good inversions and a fantastic location in the mountains. However it is a little short compared to it's brothers like Hulk and Kumba.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Thematisierung Spaß

    Just like Dollywood's this ride is a classic with some solid theming. It's a fun ride with little coaster portion but what it does have is good. The splashdown at the end is pretty cool as well.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Airtimes Spaß

    This is always a fun coaster especially when dueling. Has a few rough patches but not unbearable. Decent airtime throughout as well.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Rütteln Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm


  • Jack Jack J.

    Standort Spaß Intensität

    This is definitely my favorite Arrow Suspended coaster. The location back behind everything in the woods is fantastic and the ride is pretty intense. It ha s a great layout for a Suspended and is just a really fun ride. No major complaints here.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Thematisierung Abschuss Intensität

    This ride is a surprisingly intense family coaster. The first launch into the helix is pretty forceful and the helix itself pulls some pretty good Gs. The theme doesn’t really fit the park but for the ride itself it’d done pretty well. The indoor section is a lot of fun as well. Surprisingly good ride and one of the better family coasters I’ve ridden.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Thematisierung Spaß Zu kurz

    Adventure Express is a pretty good Arrow Mine Train. My 4th favorite overall. I found the ride to be pretty average Amun’s other Mine trains because of its shorter length and it didn’t seem to do so much throughout the layout. The lift hill at the end is cool with the theming I just wish the ride did more.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Airtimes Spaß Sanftheit

    I definitely prefer Racer 75 to Kings Island's Racer. This ride is far smoother with just as much airtime if not more. I also love how the turnarounds come together at the end.

  • Jack Jack J.

    Inversionen Abschuss Intensität

    These are great clones by Premier. I prefer Kings Island's clone slightly more but this one is good as well. The launch is forceful and the spaghetti bowl layout is fun. The inversions are great as well.