• Dave Scott

    Hmm, Rougarou. The conversion of Mantis has a few problems. The ride is relatively smooth on the back row; however, if you watch closely you can see significant shuffling amongst the cars in front of you - by row 3 there must be at least an inch of side-shuffling. Now, it's true, I find the back rows of virtually all older B&M's smoother in the back row, but in Rougarou's case it means it pays to be very selective on seating. This is a shame, because what I found up to the mid course brake run is actually a pretty decent sitdown looper with some hints of Kumba going on. It's certainly more memorable than Mantis; which 13 years earlier I have largely erased from my memory. The transition into the MCB, however, and final block of the course through the corkscrew are bloody awful regardless of seat. The ride has already undergone some pretty severe surgery, perhaps, it needs some more to the latter half of the route to "fix" it. I do wonder if it's days are numbered. Ridership is low, queues were non-existent even with the park busy. Time will tell.

  • Dave Scott

    This is more or less the only B&M that was a once-only affair on the ECC 2006 trip. With just over 2 days in the park, this obviously didn't catch our attention. I don't remember it being bad per se; just that there was far better calling our time everywhere else in the park. In another park; Mantis probably would have had a better reputation.

  • Dave Scott

    OTSR hides the fact that this is a big family coaster. View it that way, and it's actually pretty good. Raptor is only a few hundred meters away for your suspended G-fix!

  • Dave Scott

    I've been critical of wide B&M trains not being able to roll particularly snappily on loads of rides before. Gatekeeper (nearly) proves that theory wrong. It still rolls relatively slowly, but the positive G and fantastic location still make for a fun ride flirting on the edge of intensity. This is absolutely everything the Swarm failed to be. Major shout out to the CP maintenance crews; apparently the ride had completely stalled due to very heavy gusts the Saturday before we arrived; yet we were on it by the Monday and nobody would have known any different. I would suggest if the ride has any problem, it is the 7/8ths course brake; at which point the ride is basically over. The final drop and helix don't add anything, other than avoid a long straightaway at the point the ride has otherwise ran out of altitude and ideas.

  • Dave Scott

    Biased review again, due to being somewhat overweight! I'll blame it on the Poutine... The restraints had to be properly jammed in to get me on this one, consequently very uncomfortable. If it weren't for that, I'd give a better rating.

  • Dave Scott

    My first looping coaster! Hopelessly biased rose tinted view of this ride... In reality I know it was just a minimal corkscrew. What the hell. Good memories.

  • Ben Bryan

    Airtimes Schoßbügel Ejectors

    An absolutely phenomenal roller coaster. Really smooth, amazing airtime. The restraints are unique and leave you exposed in the best way. The airtime is made so much better by this.

  • Olivier Frisch

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Dauer Airtimes

    Ce coaster est un excellent ajout pour le parc ! Il a beau ne pas payer de mine, il reste assez intense une fois dedans pour du familial. La force de ce coaster provient en parties de la manière dont on est installé. C'est original, et par conséquent, on n'appréhende pas le layout de la même manière. Le second launch est assez puissant et permet de passer le virage situé juste derrière de manière très rapide. Les G positifs sont présents, et le layout est relativement long. En somme une très bonne surprise, surtout pour un parc comme Le Pal. Son seul défaut à mon sens est l'absence complet d'airtime au niveau des bosses qui viennent complètement plomber le rythme...

  • Olivier Frisch

    Spaß Zu kurz

    Voila un coaster original lorsqu'on est pas habitué aux spinning. Ce coaster est très fun à rider. Le petit virage avant la drop permet de bien commencer à spiner pendant cette dernière. Le layout est très bien construit et permet vraiment de tourner tout le long du ride. En somme, chaque ride sera différent du précédent. Malheureusement je trouve ce coaster un peu court, et il peut être un peu brutal au dernier rang. Certains aimerons ce dernier point, mais personnellement, j'ai trouvé ça un peu dommage. Il en reste tout de même un coaster à rider !

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Schoßbügel Spaß Unangenehm Layout

    bad trip might not be the best ride ever,but i honestly found it a pretty enjoyable one,now yes,its not the best ride,its not even the smoothest one in the world,but hey,its unique,its fun and overall,its wasnt boring af like tyfonen.why the ride is unique?the company who made it have a cool history.the ride was build by a company name cedeal ride,a france company which established in 2011,and continues to manufacter it,this is their first ever coaster they will ever relise to the public on 2013,and later will build another coaster to the uk.so you can tell that the model is start growing.the bad trip has traveled during Europark's the off-season. from december 7th, 2018 to january 6th, 2019 it was at Luna Park Nice. While there it had a main marque side was "menphis coaster" (spelled with a 'n') and signage on the station still read "bad trip".yes,thats quit a history,but as a coaster entusiate,i came here to review,so lets see if this coaster is a good wildmouse.and for a prototype,well,it did some things right but some things very wrong.layout,what layout?its the same as a wildmouse,switchbacks,drops and sharp turns,all the while you are spinning,and i have to say it did the spin quit well,not the best spin i got,but it was still nice.better than zamperla models.now it is pretty rough on the switchbacks,which is a shame since i loved the comfortable lap bars that were on this.airtimes it also delivers,it was quit good and fun,and honestly they might improve on the model,while still a buggy model with a discomfort turns,i still enjoyed it quit a bit.