• Doyle Rudolph

    Intensität Sanftheit Unangenehm

    Wild spinning and a tight, unbanked layout makes for an intense ride that borders on painful many times throughout the course.

  • Doyle Rudolph

    Airtimes Unangenehm Dead spots Layout

    The hills give decent airtime, but the turnaround is absolutely lackluster, and the bottoms of the hills are hell on the lower back. In a park that desperately needs a good wooden coaster, Blue Streak just doesn't hit the mark.

  • Doyle Rudolph

    First Drop Inversionen Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    Ouch. My legs and nethers were fine, but my head and shoulders took a pummelling. I understand why Mantis got the conversion, it's just a shame that there's a world class floorless right across the park in Bizarro.

  • Doyle Rudolph

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung!

    I'm not a fan of dark rides, so the indoor section wasn't exactly my favorite. This seems to occupy the same strange no-man's-land as Backlot Stunt Coaster, too intense to really be a family coaster but not well paced enough to be a great thrill ride. It was pretty smooth, and the surprise was surprisingly great, but it suffers from trying to be too many things.

  • Doyle Rudolph

    Dead spots Layout

    A ride without much to it, the straight track connecting the drawn out helices just doesn't make for a thrilling experience.

  • Doyle Rudolph

    First Drop Spaß Sanftheit Zu kurz

    Having ridden Valravn, I didn't expect much from another dive machine. I found this one surprisingly fun, with a much more interesting layout; the longer holding brake makes the drop more thrilling as well, while the splashdown makes for an epic finale.

  • Doyle Rudolph

    First Drop Sanftheit Dead spots

    A weak, repetitive coaster that really suffers from a shorter hold atop the drop than Griffon's. It's smooth, but it just doesn't do much.

  • Doyle Rudolph

    Airtimes Spaß Sanftheit

    A fun coaster that should really be considered a family coaster (and given a height requirement to match), it loses a lot of its luster when not racing. It's smooth, though, and packs a decent amount of airtime and a surprisingly great handchopper on the drop.

  • Doyle Rudolph

    Inversionen Intensität Unangenehm

    The transitions on this Arrow looper weren't as bad as some others, but it was still uncomfortable. The helix was laughable; I could feel every track piece transition into the next, as if they couldn't even track a continuous curve properly. The interlocking loops, while picturesque, felt like crashing into a truck, and the OTSR did not agree with my shoulders.

  • Doyle Rudolph

    Tempo Layout

    A decent early GCI, showing its age and SFA's low maintenance budget (which seems to go mostly to Wild One, and for good reason). Seeing what SFDK did with its cousin, I think an RMC on that scale could be great for the park, while removing a less than great coaster that the park can't maintain.