• אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Thematisierung Layout Intensität

    this is a ride,with not only a faseneting history,but a good ride experience to match,this ride was even better than the bakken one and by many resons,but lets talk somuch history,shall we?yes,beacuse it have one of the greatest history of any coaster,it was build at 1914 and currently is the oldest coaster at europe,it was with the mountain theme it had today but in 1920,it was removed by the denmark resistance beacuse they want coppenhagen to be a serious town,but late it came back,but not only that,in world war II,the coaster was bombed by the nazi force(well not entirly by nazis,but ny a gang of some danish people which supported the nazi forces),but it was rebuild later,thank god,since now we have an old,side friction coaster.and the ride was build than none other than L.A. thompson scenic railway company,a famous old company which developed its side friction coaster,and this is their only one remained operating,manthere is planty more but those examples is just to show how greatly historical this coaster is.but is the ride good?yes,well,it isnt as intense tan other woodies,but its moments are nontheless driving enough to ride it.firstly the rides layout is so well done for somthing that was build in 1914,i thought it was expremental year,but this one is filled with many good values in it,unlike rutschebanen at bakken,rthis one have a brakeman,a thing which is so great since now we can get a much better airtime,at bakken,rutschebanen doesnt had any airtime beacuse it was treamed,but here,it have,and thanks to the brakeman,you get the old wooden airtime which was missing with the one at bakken,but also,it themed just greatly with the great mountain statues and many lights,at night,this structure is so beautiful to look at and i must say that it went well with the park.so this might not be the best wooden coaster,but its still an historical piece which must be kept forever an its thrilling airtime moments are still good to exprience every time.

  • אדר פופקו

    Inversionen Standort Layout Zu kurz

    thats ride is a treat if you are going to our weet tivoli gardens,and easily one of the best coasters at denmark,and yes,its their only b&m coaster,which really its a shame,for me,djurs also deserves some good b&m,but my thoughts,so the ride was build of course,by bolliger and mabillard,after the removal of slagnen,their zeirer comet coaster which now can be found at dippiedoe,the park decided to build this masterpiece,now i know tyfoon at dippiedoe and its not a bad ride at all,but it was pretty,ah,dull,so getting a b&m was a good decision,this b&m was open to the public in 2004 and thrilled guests at coppenhagen throught 14 years.heres a fun fact on rcdb that i found:"The ride is sponsored by Mazda, the only sponsored ride at Tivoli Gardens.Starting in 2017, the Daemonen has an optional up-charge virtual reality option.",and yes,it also runs with vr,and since i despice vr on a coaster,i did it without the vr galsses,and it was a great b&m,not fury or behemoth,but it was still good.i will call it actually a flooless clone of great bear at hershypark(well not exactly a clone),beacuse its have many similar elemants,like the helix before the drop or the loop after it.so many elemants reminded me like im on great bear again.but unlike great bearmwhich i will admit,was pretty boring eventually since you just meandering and throwed some shitty elemants,ike bolliger and mabillard didnt knew what to do with it,here however here it was just short,with interesting pats,well maybe too short,but enoguh talking,lets hop in,the rides location is great,giving so many views of the area with a nice theming to acompany it,and the layout is great throught,instead of giving a long,boring ride,here it was short and sweet,the invesion was so powerful,whippy and forceful despite that the coaster is a pretty small sized floorless,and to top it all,the speed was so greatly done and well paced.it was smooth as well and honestly,it made me miss those old floorless coaster,so my final thoughts,it might not be fury 325,but for what it is,man,the b&m of denmark is such a great ride and i can reccomant it to everyone.

  • Sébastien Villaume

    First Drop Inversionen Intensität

    Mystic a beaucoup de qualités : un layout court mais varié et sans temps morts, des inversions funs, de belles doses d'intensité dans les creux, une first drop qui envoie du lourd, une théma réussie ... Les deux seuls défauts que je note sont le lift vertical que je ne trouve pas agréable et les poteaux du lift vraiment pas esthétiques. Pour le reste, c'est du tout bon et logiquement, Mystic devient un des meilleurs coasters de France.

  • Alexis G.

    Thematisierung Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    Une purge

  • El Bucherøn

    Thematisierung Kapazität Abschuss Rütteln Rückhaltebügel Dead spots

    Un excellent coaster pour le début (file + station) selon moi, mais une fois passé le launch épique et le roll-over pas trop degeu, on s'endort.. et le harnais fait mal, surtout pour les plus grands qui se retrouvent coincés dans un espace plus serré que dans le métro en heure de pointe. Mais la théma fait son charme, c'est bien triste pour ce coaster qui deviendra sans intérêt une fois défiguré par Marvel..

  • El Bucherøn

    Thematisierung Rütteln Unangenehm Dead spots

    Sympathique avec un débit pas trop degeu, mais il brise bien le dos (et les genoux pour les plus grands) durant tout le ride, surtout lors des freins finaux assez horribles.. Il fait pâle figure face au Mine Train de Phantasialand ou même celui de DLP

  • El Bucherøn

    Thematisierung Spaß Sanftheit Kapazität

    À éviter lors des fortes affluences, mais un parfait ajout pour WB qui s'ouvre plus à un public diversifié !

  • El Bucherøn

    Thematisierung Spaß Intensität Zu kurz Zuverlässigkeit

    Mon avis n'est pas totalement objectif, Psyké étant mon coaster de coeur. Mais il mériterait qu'on puisse lui donner plus de 3 atouts, sa rénovation par Gerstlauer est parfaite selon moi ! Son launch n'est peut-être pas des plus intenses bien qu'assez fun malgré tout, le loop en backwards au front row est excellent, l'ambiance est géniale, le débit est pas trop mal pour un Shuttle, ... curieux de savoir ce que sa prochaine théma donnera !

  • El Bucherøn

    Thematisierung Headbanging Kapazität Unangenehm

    C'est bien par un acte de grande bonté que je lui mets un atout concernant sa théma (certes relative, mais au moins réelle par rapport aux années précédentes). Pour le reste, c'est un boomerang qui a grandement besoin de nouveaux trains MK1212 !

  • El Bucherøn


    Les plus petits seront ravis !