• Antoine P.

    Nette Überraschung! Standort Spaß Rütteln

    Layout sympa, ça vibre quand même mais rien de désagréable.

  • Antoine P.

    Unangenehm Irrelevant

    Putain de frein qui t'arrache les cervicales.

  • Antoine P.

    Rütteln Dead spots

    A pars le dernier virage pris à pleine vitesse, il se traîne.

  • IronChef C.


    Don't skip. In my mid 30s and having discovered a love of coasters...my mortality has kicked in. I wont live forever. Thus, I realize time is prescious and perhaps skipping "kiddie" or "junior coasters" in favor of rerides on the great Phoenix or even better "Twister" are preferred options and are weighed thoughts during a park visit. This purple mess of steel however, looked like it showed promise and low and behold, it did not let me down. Major pops of air on a 3 lap romp that left me thinking that upon my death bed, I will not regret the decision I made on this day. For Kosmo's Kurves is a truly remarkable junior coaster and a must ride for all. All hail the king of the kiddies.

  • IronChef C.

    A solid gut buster if you're an adult. Could lead to a nice poop or knock a kidney stone loose like any good kiddie coaster should for an adult chasing credits. Preferable over Mind Eraser.

  • IronChef C.

    Headbanging Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm

    this is technically a rollercoaster. It is awful. Is it me or does vekoma create an amazing layout and then find the worst trains/restraints/parts and somehow create the worst rides? How is this possible? How did it continue happening? Its baffling. Did vekoma start out as a torture device company and stumble into amusement park rides accidently? Stupid ride.

  • IronChef C.

    Nette Überraschung! Layout

    I liked it. The layout was really interesting, good length, pops of air, and has good laterals. Nothing great, but everything is good. Definitely not a ride to skip at the park. I should have reridden it and tried different seats to find the sweat spot bc this one seems like it has a magic seat there somewhere. Another one I hope SFA can maintain and keep it going properly. A middle of the pack but with tons of potential woodie. Not even close to an "rmc it!" type ride. Keep it the way it is and maintain it. Solid.

  • IronChef C.

    Abschuss Layout

    Solid. Good launch, good layout, good intensity. It does what it should. SFA needs to show it some love and get it cleaned up bc it might be the most solid ride at the park honestly.

  • IronChef C.

    Headbanging Layout

    Headbanging the ride. By far the worst floorless I've ridden. Just not a fun coaster. Looks great and the fire effect worked. Its just a really lazy transition to a floorless.

  • IronChef C.

    Dauer Rütteln

    Front row and do your best not to be stapled. I'd imagine this is the best way to go. The restrains aren't the best but if you can manage some breathing room you'll get some good airtime and there's minimal rattle in the front leading to a pretty solid ride overall. Very nice views from the front as well. I back row-ed it too and found it very disappointing with the exception of the last few airtime hills. Maintenance hasn't been kind to this one i'd guess.