• Mikail Dvc

    Airtimes Abschuss Intensität Zu kurz Thematisierung

    J’ai adoré le coaster, il est hyper fluide, avec un airtime incroyable! Un peu moche au niveau de top hat (qui n’est pas symétrique)

  • yeet meat


    Just a vekoma kiddie coaster. I have been on this model before. Pretty ok i guess.

  • Greg Hudson

    Airtimes Sanftheit Ejectors Dead spots

    The airtime moments are brilliant, I just think the banked turns kill some of the ride’s momentum - though I understand why they used them a lot as they didn’t have a lot of space to work with.

  • Greg Hudson

    Airtimes Kapazität Sanftheit Dead spots

    An excellent first half, the second half meanders in places though it does have a couple of forceful moments. I think an extra inversion at the end would have rounded it up nicely.

  • Greg Hudson

    Kapazität Inversionen Intensität

    You just can’t beat a good old Schwarzkopf! You get a ton of intensity per square inch of space, and it’s also probably the single most efficiently operated coaster in the world outside Disney or Europa Park.

  • Greg Hudson

    Reißt es ab!

    If you want to know what getting a double ear clap in a Jackie Chan movie feels like, look no further. I wouldn’t want to ride this again even if it was walk on!

  • Greg Hudson

    Airtimes Kapazität Spaß

    A criminally underrated and very reridable hyper, I didn’t find one hill without airtime - you even get whipped out your seat flying through the MCBR. There’s a rough spot at the bottom of the first drop but it’s pretty smooth besides that.

  • Aricoasté

    Thematisierung Spaß Layout

    Un super coaster, il est à faire si vous allez au parc !

  • Aricoasté

    Thematisierung Reißt es ab! Layout

    C'est une pomme donc je n'ais pas grand chose à dire dessus...

  • Aricoasté

    First Drop Spaß Headbanging Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm

    Il et plutôt fun à faire, malgrès son inconfort vraiment présent !