Achterbahn Rezensionen
Airtimes First Drop Dauer Rütteln Unangenehm Zuverlässigkeit
Magnum XL-200 was the first hyper coaster ever made. In other words, the first coaster to reach past 200 feet tall. It opened decades ago in the 70’s and it’s tracks have not been replaced yet, not like Kennywood’s legendary airtime coaster Phantom’s Revenge. Because of its elderly state, this ride will try to throw you out of its seats like your bull riding. It’s very rough, but not as rough as Blue Streak. It’s speed will make your legs bang around and your neck and back will get a few beatings while riding. This thing just doesn't stop dropping because of its intense hills and incredible speeds. I do like the drop and the tunnels that it travels through on the way back, but it is a rattling and rough experience.
Thematisierung Standort Layout Rütteln Dead spots
this is a pretty cool family coaster to ride in this park,yes,festyland is a pretty underrated park which hides in the shadows somwhere.draker express is the first coaster to this park and its a cool addition to this park,i just loved the location and theming,the station was themed well and the location is the grassy,nature area which really helps with the rides layout,the layout is just good,for family coaster its ratter unique,as soquet always builds,some solid air,and some fun turns throught.the ride,unfortunally,have its own dead spots which can be slow,and it had some rattle which is a common soquet thing,overall tho,it was a neat ride and a cool addition to the park.
Thematisierung Tempo Layout Unangenehm
festyland is a pretty underrated park,yes,its not alton towers or anything but the park is just nice.this coaster is a really cool addition to this small ,local park and a cool soquet coaster too.the rides theme is cool,it themed to castle and honestly its fairly done for a little park like this,the castle was well done and gives the ride its own character and maybe story.the theme is cool but so does the layout,the layout using some of the ground to its advantage,allowing to a much unique ride exprience,and its quiet intense too,some airtimes and some turns really do make this ride.and it was all done in a perfectly good pace too,this ride unfortunally,isnt the smoothest,which is a common thing to the soquet coasters,altough this is a cool coaster,with cool theme,great design,and cool pace,the smoothenss needs some work,and they can create some smooth once as well,but overall,this is a cool coaster and im highly reccomanding it.
Airtimes Thematisierung Spaß Zu kurz Dead spots
Have rated this in comparison to other family coasters. As a family coaster it is easily the best family coaster I’ve ridden, but as a thrill coaster, it doesn’t stand up to some of the bigger woodies I’ve done. Sooo good job it’s a family coaster then, although with what some might consider an unsuitably dark theme. Great little woodie, amazing theming, some nice forces of all kinds and an amazing dark ride... Beg, and beg, and beg for the back row ;)
Airtimes Inversionen Intensität Rütteln Headbanging Unangenehm
I do enjoy Smiler, but I cannot rate it too highly because it is so rough sometimes. I am unable to ride it more than 3 or 4 times in a row.
First Drop Thematisierung Sanftheit Dead spots Layout
this ride honestly,is not that bad of a pinfary,a company that,lets say,didnt got the best repoitation around and known for building some rough coasters,i had a bad exprience in one of those in superland,my home park,but still,that wasnt to was fairly smooth ill give it that,for a pinfary,it got some rattle but thats all,the ride slides well with the track and thats cool for me.the theme is not good,but a fairly decent theme for this low budget park,i love the cute space theme since it really gives the ride some what of a character,which is fine for me.the layout is reptetive sure,it a zyklon and ive ridden many of those,i do likes some moments here and ther,my favorite must be the first drop,it was fun and gave some good airtime,its also whips you if you are in back seat,the ride,tho,have its dead spots, acommon thing fot those zyklons,overall,the ride is fun,and you should ride it if you are close to kingoland.
Abschuss Zu kurz Unangenehm Layout
Not going to lie, until I rode coasters like Taron, Helix, Red Force, Icon etc, I enjoyed Rita. Now I just find it so dull. Yes the launch is a fantastic launch, but that really is all there is to it. When you can ride rides like Taron, that do the launch well, plus lots of other great elements, or Red Force which has an ok launch, great top speed, some serious height and a brilliant drop, I’m afraid Rita no longer stands up well.
Nette Überraschung! Spaß Kapazität
I’ve rated it in comparison to other kiddie coasters. Nice little example and it has BUBBLES!!!!
First Drop Kapazität Intensität Zu kurz Layout
My favourite dive machine. Nothing beats dropping into that hole and the surprising amount of force under ground. Too short though, even for a prototype it’s far too short.
Thematisierung Tempo Layout Rütteln Dead spots
the ride is actually a pretty cool soquet,yes it isnt the smoothest and i do felt some rattle will going on this,but for what it done,it was cool and doe its best to give me some thrills and im appreciated this coaster.the ride layout is pretty fun,the soquets layouts are so good sometimes and this one gave a pretty solid air sometimes and have thos great fun turns that soquet are known for.the rides theming,while not being ground breaking,still much better for this small little park in nowhere,i loved the pirate theme of the station the most,that even have those pirates figurins.the ride pace s also cool,it kept a good pace throught and didnt slowed down once,a thing that is always good in my book.altough i thought some spots will give much more thrilling,and it have the commong rattle for soquet,this isnt a bad ride at all,and im highly reccomand it for the park locals.