• Philippe-Minh N.

    Abschuss Rütteln Unangenehm

    The launch and following Top Hat are quite exciting. Everything else is either dull, rattly or poorly banked in my opinion.

  • Philippe-Minh N.


    Heidi has great pacing (except for the double up hill) and is a fun albeit short ride. Do not expect tons of ejector airtime and you'll enjoy this wooden coaster.

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Spaß Rückhaltebügel Sanftheit Dead spots

    A fun B&M hyper with some good floater air and an intense mid-course helix. The rest of the layout lacks stronger G forces however.

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Thematisierung Spaß Intensität

    Black Mamba is more intense than it seems. The interactions with the surrounding scenery is really impressive, and it is generally smooth. However, the layout isn't the most original and it lacks the "wow" factor other inverts have.

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Thematisierung Spaß Intensität Dead spots

    Simply breathtaking coasters. The first half might have slightly sluggish pacing, but what comes after the second launch more than makes up! Insane succession of twisty turns taken at sheer speed. The intensity of that second half is really impressive. Phantasialand has produced yet another jaw-dropping theming to make the experience even more awesome.

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Inversionen Sanftheit

    A short and generic B&M Floorless coaster. Fairly smooth and comfortable, quite fun to ride once or twice, but not very intense or thrilling either.

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Spaß Intensität Kapazität

    Batwing is one of the smoother Vekoma coasters made before their current renaissance. It is quite intense too, especially during the vertical loop on the back. Although the layout seems exciting on paper, I didn't find the experience as enoyable as B&M flyers.

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Tempo Spaß Dead spots

    One of the least interesting Intamin Megas, Superman SFA still delivers a fun ride. There's some underwhelming parts, such as the helixes and the first hill which lacks airtime. However the airtime towards the end is pretty good, foreshadowing the amazing ejector machines Intamin would create in the 00s.

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    Kapazität Standort Spaß Dead spots

    A unique family Schwarzkopf located on Liseberg's main hill and intertwined with Helix. The layout is very long and has some really fun moments, but also a couple of duller spots.

  • Philippe-Minh N.

    First Drop Spaß Sanftheit Zu kurz

    A very good Family coaster, with some surprisingly intense and thrilling moments for such a ride. Good theming and interactions as well!