• Max S.

    Standort Dauer Dead spots Layout

    This isn't a terrible Arrow mine train compared to the ones I've ridden but it still has the same flaws as the others. It has a long duration so you get great value for the ride. I also like how it's located fairly close to the front of the park and uses the terrain to the best of its ability. The biggest downfall is the dead spots throughout the ride. There are three separate lift hills which seems like a normal occurrence on mine trains but it kills the momentum each time it hits a new hill. I'm not sure if the layout could have been better but if it had more speed they could have avoided the dead spots. I think the best part is after the third lift hill because it has the most decent drop and takes a quick turn around in a tunnel so it's a great way to end the ride. It just takes a bit too long to get to that point when the other sections of the layout are utilized less efficiently. 2/5 stars

  • K681 Coasters

    Airtimes First Drop Standort

    Death hill

  • Samantha P.

    Airtimes First Drop Spaß

    I absolutely loved the Swarm!! Big fan of B&M in general but I really love their wing coasters, so it wasn't a surprise that I loved this. I got 2 rides in and both were on the left side back row outside seat :D .. That first drop is so good and all the near misses really feel like you're going to hit into something. The inversions are all super fun and smooth and it's even quite forceful on the back in the helix. Love the theming too. Overall a super coaster, really enjoyed it.

  • K681 Coasters

    Airtimes Dead spots

    Partially great

  • roche c.

    Thematisierung Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    Même pour les plus jeunes, ce coaster est absolument abominable, le constructeur c’est complètement foiré à la conception, à croire qu’ils utilisent planète coaster pour concevoir se genre de machine. Très déçu de la thématique qui est juste moche et qui ne va pas du tou avec la couleur des rails.

  • K681 Coasters

    Spaß Dauer Irrelevant Dead spots


  • roche c.

    Spaß Sanftheit

    Un super coaster pour les enfants, une fluidité et un confort irréprochable et une belle couleur. Une thématique un peu plus poussée que dans le reste du parc, mais la file d’attente reste un gros parc à boeuf.

  • K681 Coasters

    Inversionen Abschuss Zu kurz

    On Stealth I said "Fastest acceleration in the world but my smooth brain can't accept this beating a compressed air launch so when I finish my day at Six Flags Great America I'll see which one's faster." This is faster lmao

  • roche c.

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Kapazität

    Super exclusivité pour le parc, même si les sensations ne sont pas forcément au rendez-vous, cela reste une expérience très déroutante et fun. La thématique reste un poil supérieur au reste du parc, dommage qu’il ne se trouve pas dans la bonne zone.

  • roche c.

    Spaß Layout Rütteln Thematisierung Zuverlässigkeit

    Coaster très intéressant pour la famille avec de très bon éléments qui donne de bon G+. Cependant il manquerais un peu d’airtime, dommage qu’il y ai des freins sur le petit buny-up sur la fin du layout. Niveau thématique, cela reste beaucoup trop minime.