• Sean R.

    Inversionen Intensität Rütteln

    Standard Batman clone. It's never a "bad" experience, but the novelty has worn off a little as I've been on a few in the last month (SFGA, SFOG). The wear and tear on this one were more pronounced than I'd seen or felt on others. But the Great White name/theming is a nice change of pace and certainly proper for a SeaWorld version.

  • Sean R.

    Tempo Spaß Dauer Unangenehm

    A "good" ripping and rocking woody from GCI. I only went on it once and while it seemingly had all the elements of other CGI's I've enjoyed, it was "fine" and nothing more for me. There was no one else on the ride as the park was quite empty and this tempered the energy and enthusiasm surrounding our ride. I suspect my anticipation for Iron Rattler (which we rode later in the day) muted my interest as well. There's nothing wrong with it, but my experience was a step below my favorite GCI, Thunderhead. I do believe I owe it another go at some point...could have just been an off-day.

  • Sean R.

    Abschuss Spaß Layout Intensität

    This coaster is not meant to blow your socks off and it doesn't. But it's really nice intro to intensity for younger audiences and delivers a really fun experience front-to-back for all riders. The two-launches and the over-the--water setting were highlights. Again, not going to push the boundaries of intensity for anyone, but I don't see how you exit this ride without a smile on your face.

  • Madadax

    Thematisierung Intensität Zu kurz Rückhaltebügel Layout

    Un coaster sympa mais clairement pas une machine que j'apprécie outre mesure. Fenix est mille fois trop linéaire et peu inventifs, aucune surprise, un tracé trop court a mon gout en plus (j'aurais aimé une heartline Roll). Sa reste sympa mais je lui préfère largement troy, car bien qu'il soit très rugueux en comparaison, il me surprend bien plus. A noté que la file d'attente de fenix est incroyable et que sa zone reste la plus belle du parc.

  • Jokofeu

    Airtimes Tempo

    Des bons airtimes et une bonne impression de vitesse

  • Jokofeu

    Kapazität Nette Überraschung!

    Enfin un family qui envoie !

  • Jokofeu

    Thematisierung Enttäuschend!

    Dommage que ce soit le seul water coaster qui nous mouille pas

  • Jokofeu

    Komfort Intensität Enttäuschend!

    Un Looper classique sans les baffes ce qui est fort appréciable.

  • Jokofeu

    First Drop Rütteln Zu kurz

    Une bonne drop , tout ce qu'on demande à ce genre de machine.

  • Worm Man


    Big up the fish weyyy 💯🔥🐟🐠🐡 https://m.youtube.com/?gl=GB&hl=en-GB