• Nicolas G.

    Thematisierung Abschuss Spaß

    Alors oui ce n’est pas le coaster le plus sensationnel, c’est du Disney dans le texte, mais mon dieu que c’est Fuuuun. La thématisation est absolument incroyable, le confort exceptionnel et il y a un vrai coté addictif au sensation que procure le ride. Que dire du pré-show, pour moi peut être le meilleur du monde ( avec Rise Of The Resistance), clairement il participe grandement à l’expérience tellement il est immersif et conditionne pour le reste du ride. Bref, l’attraction justifie une venue à EPCOT sans problème.

  • Michael M.

    Spaß Rütteln Kapazität Dead spots

    It's good for kids, I guess. Parts of it pull some nice forces. The second elements wants so badly to be a 0g roll, but doesn't quite make it there. This sort of feels like if Mack (for the rattle) grafted a Vekoma SFC train onto full-size B&M invert track. And it does rattle quite a bit in a way that feels and sounds similar to most of the Mack coasters I have ridden. It isn't painful here due to the slow speed and lessened forces, but imagine if something like a large-scale invert or a gigacoaster rattled like this. It would be unrideable. I really hope B&M can get this figured out before they build anything like that. The fact that this can only run 1 train is disappointing. The layout could probably support 2 trains if the reduction brake was converted into a block brake, but the duration is short enough that the ops would really need to haul to keep up with it. On the positive side, they did finally manage to make an invert with a quiet anti-rollback system on the lift hill, so there's that…

  • Tyler Brown

    Thematisierung Layout Headbanging

    You won’t bang your head at all if you’re above 5’8

  • Michael M.

    Abschuss Ejectors Hangtime Zu kurz Rückhaltebügel Schoßbügel

    Now that I've gotten a chance to ride a Skyrocket II without being stapled, I've decided that these things are *way* too much fun for how compact, short, and clonable they are. The launches have good kick. The backwards stall is disorientingly fun since you can't tell where you will stop. The transition to horizontal after the third launch has great airtime. (I imagine this airtime is probably better in the front, but I never rode it in that row.) The heartline roll is delightfully hangy, made even better by how high up you are. Then you hit a trim brake before the drop, but this is absolutely necessary, because the extremely strong ejector airtime created by the combined drop and twist would probably kill the back row riders otherwise. (Seriously, that has to be some of the strongest airtime I've experienced on anything not made by RMC.) The non-inverting loop is also whippy and fun. I also noticed and appreciated how quickly and precisely the train parks back in the station at the end. Despite not being stapled this time, the restraints are still quite awful. The lap bar isn't really even a lap bar for me; it pins me in by the lower thighs and shins, which isn''t the most comfortable during the strong airtime. The comfort collars aren't uncomfortable to me, but they are also completely pointless and make a train that is already difficult to board even worse. I really wish Premier would figure out how to make a better restraint; that would make this ride even better.

  • Michael M.

    Airtimes Inversionen Ejectors Unangenehm Schoßbügel

    Finally, an RMC that doesn't have a rapid sequence of bunny-hops! This is an awesome coaster with lots of very strong airtime (of course!), probably the whippiest inversions I have experienced on an RMC, and a very nice floaty 0g roll. As with all the other RMCs I have ridden, it is very intense throughout with no dead spots. Every row is great, but the back row is definitely best for airtime and whip. This displaces ArieForce One as my favorite RMC, mainly due to the increased length and aforementioned lack of bunny-hops. As with all other RMCs, the restraints are not designed for someone with legs as long as mine and are uncomfortable even if I'm not stapled. The anti-rollbacks are also still the noisiest in the industry (no surprise there). The combination of those is why I only gave it 4.5 stars instead of 5. Curiously, this one has Consign programming where the rest of the RMCs seem to have IOE programming. This doesn't have multi-move and the station parking seems slower than it needs to be, so maybe that's why.

  • Tim H.

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Zu kurz

    my personal favorite

  • Ryan Xing

    Zu kurz Kapazität Dead spots

    massive wait time in a boring ahh sweaty as hell building, once you get on the ride that tiny ahh lap bar kinda hurts, and the handlebars smell like crap. Once you start, the ride is forceless no airtime 1/5

  • Coaster Person

    Irrelevant Layout Intensität

    What a waste of a coaster of this scale. The size of its trains stunts Griffon, forcing the shaping of the track to be as gradual as possible. The drops pales in comparison to the others in the park, the Immelmanns do absolutely nothing. I genuinely hate this ride, even more so now that I know how awesome a high-intensity, fast-paced dive coaster can be. Iron Menace shits ALL OVER this coaster in every way. The only good thing about Griffon is the view.

  • Blake S.

    Airtimes Sanftheit Ejectors

    Awesome in the back for the drop, and very aggressive air all over the place. The inversions are floaty. Not a single dead spot. Short, but still complete. The ending feels like you are getting swiftly tossed about by waves, until you wash ashore.

  • Graham Wylie

    Fantastic thrill ride, I have known people to pass out on it