Kapazität Abschuss Spaß Rütteln Abschuss Intensität
2 pretty much useless launches (1&3) with a forceless and short layout afterwards, forceless inversions and valleys combined with a useless voting system because of the seperate queue's . still more then the dirty and badly managed park deserves
Airtimes First Drop Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm
Ahhh man this thing didn’t age Well.... in 2016 it was the best coaster in the park, so smooth and still quite intens but year afther year it got a worser rattle. Even this season it became worser and worse last monday i rode it in the evening when it was warmed up and it was actually one of the most roughest and uncomfortable rides i’ve had on a coaster. Quite a shame
Intensität Sanftheit Ejectors Rückhaltebügel
Untamed is insane, from start to finish its agresive and whipy it Goes trough every element with a lot of speed, definitly the best small rmc and maybe even a top tier rmc overall!
Airtimes Schoßbügel Thematisierung Dead spots
Well being a great ride overall, it definetly has its cons like the falling of paint in the station and square infront of it. For me the second helix is one big dead spot but its compensates with the awesome bunny Hills at the end which give (when the ride is warmed up 12:00+) Some great ejector airtime.
Thematisierung Sanftheit Dauer Dead spots
Its a great coaster with Some Nice snappy transitions with an overall great experiece, with Some dead spots but they don’t really bother me that much