Kapazität Standort Dauer Unangenehm
Probably the most average coaster in the park. I appreciate the long train which means loads of capacity. You’d think that it also means they you’d get some killer airtime in the back but this ride has next-to none. Maybe a few moments in the back but only the way back. I understand it’s for families, but would some bigger floater hurt anybody? Ignoring the okay layout, the location is amazing! You start by going up the lift hill, which while facing you away from all the cool stuff of the park, it is neat to look below you and see people walking under the track. The first drop isn’t anything too special. I do appreciate how they give you a lot of time to take in the big reveal of the whole park before dropping through. A few moments later, you go into the Log Flume ride which is cool if people are going by under you. You ascend the second lift hill and the rest of the ride is pretty good. A lot of helixes which provide some nice visuals of different rides mixed in with very light airtime in the back. The visuals make the ride experience. Overall, it is really just a monorail but the entrance to the ride is unique and I’d say it is worth checking out.
Airtimes Thematisierung Meisterwerk Zuverlässigkeit
This is probably gonna be more of what has already been said, but whatever. The best experience is easily the nighttime one. Between going up the stairs, seeing all those spiders on the webs in the wooden structure for the ride, all lit up by the lights. It adds a certain mood that is hard to explain. Back row is best of course, so request that if you can. I appreciate the small bits of theming in the station between the decorated trains, the audio, and the structure of the station in general. Speaking of trains, I appreciate how each one “belongs” to a different fellow. Each train has the signature of the fellow on the side of train, which is a nice touch. Blackjack is probably my favorite since his screen on the TV says “A Mean Streak Lies Beneath” which is an obvious reference to you-know-what. Those ejector hills before the lift are pretty spooky since they come out at you from out of nowhere. The lift is loud, so that sucks when you’re waiting, but not much to report on for the lift. Drop is intimidating but pretty fun. The rest of the layout is an absolute masterpiece combining airtime with inversions, which I usually hate but the way they go through the structure and blend seamlessly makes me like them here. Oh yeah, those wave turns are really cool too. The finale is spectacular with all that ejector. Unlike Magnum, which has awful lap bars, SV has soft lap bars so it doesn’t hurt when you go flying into those restraints. So yeah, a true masterpiece! The only downside to this coaster is the reliability. On my two-day visit, it broke down on the lift hill three times on one and it also broke down for maintenance on day two. I understand that it can be annoying, especially if you just waited 2+ hours and got escorted out of the queue, but it worked out for me. I got in line when it broke down, waited less than 15 minutes, and it was back up and running! No wait! This happened TWICE mind you, for 2/3 rides. The lockers can be annoying in a full line, I’m sure of it, and the employees don’t care if others cut the line, but those don’t really have to do with the coaster. Overall, a must-do if you haven’t already ridden for any coaster enthusiast. Did I mention that it is right across the midway from Maverick, another world-class coaster?
Komfort Dauer Reißt es ab! Irrelevant Layout
It’s really just a credit for you to grab unless you’re with a child. In that case, I guess you can get some bonding time. I will say, even in the back row, there was some good whip and it was pretty long but one-and-done.
Inversionen Spaß Sanftheit Rütteln Zuverlässigkeit
A true classic, that’s for sure. The park unfortunately tore down the rocks around the loops, but it was apparently just a safety problem. The ride itself is great. The tunnel you go into when you start riding is cool and the loops are okay. The second tunnel is more of the same but still cool and the rock work before the double corkscrew is really amazing. The double corkscrew is the best park of the ride, as to be expected. The first drop is surprising in the back row. I would definitely recommend this if it has a low line, which it almost always has. I was able to get a ride in the front and back back-to-back with no wait. The front is okay but you do get to take in the scenery. The back is where it’s at though! Sure, the ride’s a little bumpy but this Arrow is remarkably smooth so it isn’t too much of an issue. In the back, the first drop is wilder, the corkscrews are cooler, and everything is just better. Overall, a great ride for coaster enthusiasts and newcomers alike! 5/5!