• אדר פופקו

    Standort Komfort Layout Rütteln

    this ride in the "Dollywood of france" is pretty much a step up from their Gerstaluer family coaster,offering some cool thrills and some pop of air here and there.and yes,this ride excited expections so good to me.this is also one of the 3 ESCs' with a custom layout out there.and yes,this ride is cool.first of all is that the location and the train work really do get you to the exprience which gives the ride a character to it.the ride really maks you feel you are riding on a horse at the wild west which is great to attract little kids into this kind of thrill coaster.this ride is also smooth,altough a pretty big rattle can be felt,its pretty common to ESCs and for that i wont complain since here it was little,and the ride overall wwent pretty smooth and the seating was cmfortable.the ride layout is also attracting and amusing to see,as it goes,some pps of ar can be here and it focuses on sudden drops and sudden turns wich connect in a good pacing overall and managed to give some good ride.this ride is so cool to ride and i wish they will get more coasters like this in the future.

  • אדר פופקו

    Thematisierung Spaß Kapazität Unangenehm Layout

    this ride isnt the best in my book,the zamperla wild mouse either.altough the ride isnt that great,for these little park,the theming was actually great and intresting,the theming is this wild-west theme which is pretty cool and gives the ride a character,which at the years before was probably why these ride was low for me,but with these scenery,the ride is much more enjoyable to ride.but its still not great,the ride is not that comfortable to ride,with some rattle and some bumpy turns and drops which made the ride not that rerideable.the operations arent that great and with poor capacity,are pretty slow for a wild-mouse.and yes,the theming made it much better but still,the layout iis reptetive and overall,its juts not great to me,but maybe to you it will be much better than my expreince on the ride.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Tempo Layout Unangenehm

    this ride,easily,is the best coaster at the park.gravity group just knows how to design their wooden coasters,and its the crown jewel at the park.its kinda remind me of the new wood express at saint paul.lets talk.first,i dont care that the ride too short,the lyout still delivers a mass tone of airtime and slides with a good pace here.which if its manage to do that,i dont understand why people complained it is too short.those small airtimes on the back are really a treat to ride and the first drop jst whips you over the sits,which is known by gravity group.also the pace,it went pretty smoothly from a turn to a hill which is good,altough there was some bumps in the ride,some i didnt mind while other was to hurt to ride,i still enjoyed it and i wish they will continue with those coasters,if they was smoother it will be perfect to ride but its still a nice coaster that can get some rearides here and there and with the good operations.

  • אדר פופקו

    Standort Sanftheit Thematisierung Dead spots Layout

    for me,this ride was dead,altough its might be me b000hing about a kiddy coaster,but as other kiddy coasters ive ridden like rioolrat,its not good.yes,it is smooth which i always like a smooth coaster bt still the ride is dead.but the operations were retty good as this park went when i visited it.first of all,i wish they themed it a little bit,you might say they running out of budget but still, i saw some parks that despite low budget,atleast themed thyre kiddy coaster to death,this one is not.which its a shame since the location looks polished and clean and i liked the location here a lot.also the layout is reptetive and unexiting in the slightst,and i saw much more exciting kiidys by zeirer and that one didnt stil the cake,so manny dead spots were here and it just wasnt fun for me.but hey,its a kiddy coaster and kids might enjoy it,its just a things i wished they improved more off.

  • אדר פופקו

    Standort Sanftheit Zu kurz Layout

    this ride is the newest ride to the park and the first ride of its kind,and yes,this isnt the best 4th demntional coaster ive evr got to ride.well the location was cool,provaiding so good views and yes,the ride went smooth,its more for kids than the adults to ride.the layout was too short for my liking,msybe if it was much longer it willbe better but still,i loved the views,but since it was too short ans slow,its doesnt holds u to me and its not a ground braker.but for me its a pretty great first 4th dimensional coaster for kids to ride and enjoy.

  • אדר פופקו

    Standort Tempo Layout Rütteln

    this ride is the best coaster at the park,and was one of the of its kind,tis coaster is cool.the layout consistant on this sudden fun turns and the sudden dros which is pretty thrilling to ride.the ride pace went so smooth and its was just cool,altough i felt some vaibration,it was little and it still fun.as i said,the layout is fun and went pretty smooth and had great paing,the ride went geatly from a turn to drop or drop to turn,there was not dead spots on the ride which is always good.the rides location is also what makkes the ride.sourrunded by plants which at some turns can give a good chopper effects and great views.its not the best ride by any means,but this is a great fitting for this little family park and to kids to ride.

  • אדר פופקו

    Thematisierung Standort Sanftheit Layout Intensität

    this ride,might not the best out there in terme of ride experience,is still a nice coaster to this park.opened in 2003 this is the first coaster to this little family park which is pretty close to europa park.what i really love about the ride is the athmosphere of it,this ride surrounded by plants and flowers which really makes the ride looks nice and makes it better wiht the trian wich shaped like a caterpillar.this ride is also smooth and comfortable like most of those zeirers which are always really fun to ride a smooth ride.altough the layout is pretty reptetive over a while and the ride isnt that intense,but its still a nice coaster to kids and adults to ride,and its still a good addition to this family park.

  • אדר פופקו

    Schoßbügel Komfort Hangtime Kapazität

    altough short,sky sping gets a pretty good repoitation from me as the best coaster at skyline parks.originally opened in 2004 and was the first skyloop,its still holds up to this day,meaning its a great first coaster.first of all,the hangtime,those hangtimes on those skyloops is just insane and offers a nice amount of hangtime,a great fun to all of the riders.the lap bars makes this ride so good,its brwly presses to you knees and thats makes the ride great,its also so smooth and yes,it is short but this is a prototype,meaning this is the first try for them.altough, i will improve the operations which were slow and they can only send one train at the time.still tho,this ride is great and i feeling that wth rides like abismo,the company learned there kistakes and improve quicky overtime.and yes,it is cool and the hangtime is great on this.

  • אדר פופקו

    Schoßbügel Layout Rütteln Unangenehm

    this ride is not that good of a maurer spinning coaster,originally build in 2003 at a diffrenet,english park,this ride still doenst hold up to thiss day,i tho say,the layout and the spinning are pretty fun like most Maurer coaster and es,the lap bars are pretty comfortable,the ride have this big rattle which is really uncomforttable.the ride spinning isnt that comfortabble and can somtimes give you a headbanging,and as i said,altough this layout have been cloned,i still thought it looked fun but the ride itself have those flaws that i really didnt enjoyed that much.i must say if they decided to smooth it a little more it will be a good spinning coaster but now its just an uncomforttable ride which can be relocated easily to another park.

  • אדר פופקו

    Spaß Sanftheit Layout Zu kurz Kapazität Layout

    this ride was a mixed bag for me,as the last ride by dutch manufater Caripro and the only one of its kind,that coaster does somthings good but other things it could done better,first of all the ride is smooth,not denying that out and slides well with the track,even for a prototype.the ride was overall pretty fu and good to ride on since its offered many good views and the slightly spinning cars add some thrill factor to this ride.however,the ride could hacve done more,the layout,while quarky and wacky,is could get pretty good and maybe use some work,i think it could be longer to match the style of the ride,since its not that intense and relise on the views, i think a longer ride is needed to make it much more fun to the audience to rde.the layout could use more spinning to the cars.the operatons and capcity arent that good either and that really brings the ride down on a busy day,but even with those flaws,the ride is still fun and i belive you must go and ride this little coaster just to have a fun time.

  • אדר פופקו

    Abschuss Tempo Sanftheit Dead spots

    for a prototype,this Maurer coaster done well for getting good repotation and this is what the park needed in my opinion,beacuse its a prototype,i didnt expected that good of a ride here,but still i was wrong as the ride is a cool powered coaster that you must ride.first of all the launch(which technically its not since the whole coaster operatedon power,but ill still call it a launch since its moving fast on a straight track) went great and offered a good amount of force(max force for the ride-1.2 G's) and went smooth as butter,the whole ride went so smooth that it was aweasome and good.the ride also offered a great pace as the ride went smoothly beetween the track,unfortunally,the ride have some dead spots which brings this ride down,like the airtime was neat but not as expected and some turns wasnt as intense as i thought and even the pacing can be a little slow but still,its just a prototype and i feel like they learning from theyre mistake and giving us some better coasters to ride,and im reccomanding this coasters to all the theme park lovers in germany.

  • אדר פופקו

    Spaß Sanftheit Dead spots Layout Intensität

    Kids spin is mostly your typicall SBF visa spinning fmaily coaster,a model which have been cloned to death,however its still a good kiddy coaster to this park.the ride is smooth as all those SBF coasters are and slides well with the track,the ride is also pretty cool looking with this trains,gives it a really cleaning look and the spinning factor made it much more fun kiddy coasters than other kiddy the park could have get.this ride,however,have ben dont to death as i said earlier,the layout is not that good and have some spots which were pretty lame and as a kiddy coaster,it isnt that intense but still,its a much better kiddy coaster than what they could get and this could be great for kids' first spinning coaster.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Komfort Layout Kapazität Dead spots

    this wild cat did not disapoint me,it was originally named Achterbahn and was in a diffrenet location at the park,yes,for me this is a cool looking coaster with the great ride it gave.the ride have an intrestig layout for me since its like a much better zyklon coaster you can find on theme parks but with some changes added into it.the ride is smooth, i maybe felt a little rattle but that was fine and i still managed to enjoy this ride abd have a great time on it,for a zyklon,the airtimes were pretty cool and provide some good airtimes at the drops.howver, i fell like the ride needed more extiment,zyklon coasters arent that exsiting coaster to ride and this one have also some dead spots,like the slow turns which got faster in the second half.also the capcity isnt that great on the ride,the ride is a Single car trained which riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 4 riders per car.and with long turns,the operations arent that great on this park.but still,i would have loved to get back on that and expreince this fun,little coaster again.

  • אדר פופקו

    Inversionen Tempo Sanftheit Airtimes Dead spots

    this ride is a great vekoma mk-1200 and its also the first coaster at Avonturepark,opening in 1990,this coaster honestly,isn't as rough as everybody said it would be,it was pretty smooth ride actually,and sure,it might have couple of rattles,but they were minot to me.the ride pace went smooth as an angel,providing no headbanging at all and gives a smooth ride.the inversions,altough there only too were pretty cool and this ride is so well paced,those inversions were fu to get to,hell,there is no banking AT ALL on this ride which i was suprised,unfortunally,i wished the ride had those banking since it was too smooth and also some moments that i thought will give airtime,just didnt had it,overall,this is a nice and smooth coaster and defently a great coaster to stop at if you are an entusiaste like me.

  • אדר פופקו

    Standort Komfort Spaß Thematisierung Layout

    this coaster is their latest installation to this park,altough its nice and cool ride,for me its a fun zeirer.yea,zeirer force coaster tend to be pretty common among parks since their debute in 1992.this ride offered the thrill that kiddy coasters should do,first the ride is smooth and slides well with the track of the coaster,a thing which i always liked.second of all,the location looks polished and clean and offered sometimes a nice headchoppers,as those zeirers known for.this ride is pretty fun as you get more than one turn on it,a pretty common thing with those zierer coasters.i thing the part i would improve will be with theming and layout,mostly theming.this ride is themed to rocks mostly but aside from the trains,nothing themed is here which i just wished they added more since it makes the coaster look good,and considering they have a good theming on rioolrat i wish this one have a good theming too.the layout is also pretty repetetive since it have been cloned 19,including this one,but still its a nice coaster that kids will enjoy.

  • אדר פופקו

    Thematisierung Sanftheit Layout Kapazität

    tthis ride is right now my favorite coaster at the whole park,first of all,this gace their theming ont those coasters to a new level,most of their coasters t the park,doesnt have theming at all or have a little theming here and there,this one however,gets the most theming out of their coasters which i love so much.that coaster just packd with stuff like the car shaped trains or the themed dark areas.also this coaster is in the dark which makes it so much cool,this irde is smooth as well,offering a nice paced ride and gives some good leterals,and boy the leterals are so strong,espiacelly at the end which makes this ride worth it to many entusiaste.the layout is customized,altough its shot its still packs a punch and gives you some good leterals at the end.maybe the capacity is the only proble but its still a nice coaster and you must ride it.

  • אדר פופקו

    Tempo Sanftheit Hangtime Thematisierung Abschuss

    this was for me a necessery addition to this small little park since most of its coasters were just medicore,this one however helps the park to improve more.the ride smoothness is great as suppose to most of those mack rides coasters with good pacing and comfortable lap bars.the theme in the que and station were really nice altough i wished they gave it the fool potential and theme the ride more on the outside.the inversions are fun with a totall of 3,those inversions goves you a great hangtime which helps the ride alot and gives it a great look off ride.however,the launch isnt that great,like most mack out there,this coaster's launch isnt good since its feels weak and doesnt gives you the great amount of force you are expecting but i guess its to do the launch as smooth as possible but still,aside from theming and launch,this ride is pretty good and im hopinb they will expand more over the years.

  • אדר פופקו

    Sanftheit Headbanging Unangenehm Layout

    this ride isnt the best,however i found myself liking it much more than other slcs altough i wished they will get much more coasters,it was still fun to ride,but still it isnt that smooth,the ride is still full of headbanging and the ostrs aren that great to ride with which i belive if they will get the new vekoma slc restrains,it will improve the ride.the layout isnt that great,its the standart slc layout which have been cloned over 27 times,still tho for me it was one of the possible slcs,it isnt good but isnt bad too so i guess it performed well with me,maybe you got a diffrenet ride than mine buut still,i found the ride really comforatble which many will disagree but still,it isnt great.

  • אדר פופקו

    Schoßbügel Komfort Layout Zu kurz Dead spots

    this kiddy coaster is pretty much like an inverted vekoma junior coaster,thats the way to describe it for me.but the ride overall was pretty fun and enjoyable as a vekoma suspended family goes.the layout is much better than the older ones altough its much shorter but for me.it was still fun to ride and gave some good ride,its also pretty smooth,with lap bars,which makes this ride much better.hell,the location makes you feel taller beacuse of the cat walk here which for me is always fun to ride.altough,the layout was with some spots which i thought will gonna get some good ride,but just didnt and the ride is pretty short and i wish it was linger to give the train is full potential,overall the ride is fun and kids can enjoy it as their first suspended coaster.

  • אדר פופקו

    Komfort Spaß Ejectors Layout Intensität

    as a wildmouse,a ride which is so cloned over many centuries,i found that one to be quiet fun in its own way. the ride have some suprising moments of ejector airtimes which are really good and mostly are in the drops.also nice is that like most macks,this ride is smooth and slide well with the tracks,even the truns are not that painfulloverall this ride is fun to me,its pretty good wth the turns that wips you over and the dips provides some good airtimes. howvever,this ride is with a reptetive layout which you mostly can find 31 macks wild mouses world wide.also the ride is not that intense,some brake runs are retty much slows you down like most wild mouses and maybe the theme could use some work but still,for a wild mouse its fine and fun to ride.

  • אדר פופקו

    Layout Rütteln Headbanging Unangenehm

    this ride is,augh,so bad! i really wanted to like the ride as it is but i just couldnt.Grizzly at kings dominion was atleast not that painfull to ride,but this one is so painfull its hurts. what i do like about the ride might be the layout,the layout is actually a clone of cyclone at conny island and its a nice throwback to this american coaster to me.the ride is just painfull with horrible leteral,its so strong that you headbang on the side of the train which hard as a rock. its not helping either that the ride slows speed at some points and even dont have airtime at all which i suppose it wasnt intended but atleast it had some airtime moments which could have worked out. i think that the ride should be closed down or get some kind of treatment,either by gci or rmc,which will improve the ride completely.

  • אדר פופקו

    Inversionen Abschuss Tempo

    The ride karacho,is the second which is the second infinity coaster ever made,and is pretty cool and great. the ride is smooth,the pacing of the ride is good,no headbanging by pace to pace and all the elments are cool. the launch is also pretty smooth and offers a nice amount of speed of 55.9 mph. all of the elments were fun,like the dive loops,one which gets you into a tunnel,the top hat which gets you amazing amount of airtime' and the heartline roll before the launch which reallly caught me ofguard. the theming is nice too,the trains have this get like theme to it and the ride have sevrall building and theme to it.the ride can get you some air too which was pretty suprisng,and overall its was good,wasnt pretty great but not bad at all,its just smooth,good pace and fun inversions and its so fun to ride overall.

  • אדר פופקו

    Thematisierung Standort Sanftheit Layout Intensität

    This ride,as the first ride that Tripsdrill got in 1986 is pretty fun to see steel here. ths ride have its own theme to a caterpillar and ulike many family coaster,when you can runaway for the theme,they done a pretty cool job and not run away with xuces of its a kiddy coaster so you wont theme it.what helps the theming is the great location of the ride,it goes over some trees and a little lake in the center which makes for a wonderful scenerio.its also'like this tivolys,is smooth and comfortable to ride.however its a family coaster which can be found in manny countrys even outside germany so the layut is pretty repetetive over time.still tho,kids might enjoy that coaster.

  • אדר פופקו

    First Drop Thematisierung Sanftheit Airtimes Dead spots

    Mammut is an intersting woodie for me,this ride is the only wooden coaster by Ingenieur-Holzbau Cordes and was opened in 2008.this ride is pretty smooth,the Gerstlauer trains are making the ride comfortable to ride and the ride slides well with the with the track of the ride,the ride have a pretty cool theming,like a buzz saw trains and the shed like station which its mostly themed to a redwood tree. also the layout was fun,the first drop is so cooland provides some cool airtime in the back and good views at the front. however,the ride have potntial to have much more airtime the it have with some moments which i thought gonna have some great airtime,gone weak despite these,the layout was fun. im reccomanding this coaster to everyone in germany.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Thematisierung Komfort Kapazität

    G'sengte Sau is the first Gertslauer coaster,opening in 1998 and still holds up to this day in my opinion,the ride have some nice airtime moments which to be honest,do give some air time at some moments,for my the whole layout was great,it was so sourrounded by the theming that its makes the ride just beautiful and the layout itself is fun,pretty cool version of a wild mouse here and as i said,good airtime espiecially on those little hills at the middle and some good banked turns here and there not only that but the ride was buttery smooth and slided well with the tracks,not headbanging at all but a slight rattle which was expected from a prototype. one down side might be the capacity but still,the operations here are pretty good honestly so there is nothing to complaine about this ride pretty much,if you just want a brake from the regular wild mouse,this is the coaster for you.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes Layout Ejectors Kapazität

    this ride is by far the best coaster int this small little park. first of all the layout was pretty insane'not only it looks like a simple yet comapct double out and pack layout,gravity group packed in some amazing airtime to this small layout. mostly you will get nonstop airtime on this ride which is always cool,but the ejector on this ride is strong. if you sit in the back you really do feel the airtime on this ride and its such a nice family wooden which gives to young audience the defencine of a wooden coaster.one down side tho is the capacity,the trains are a single trains with 6 cars. Riders are arranged 2 across in a single row for a total of 12 riders which with the slow operations that day,really was annoying,altough ive managed to get 2 rides on wood express,but overall this coaster was so good and thats make you go to parc saint paul.

  • אדר פופקו

    Airtimes First Drop Intensität Rütteln Unangenehm

    this PAX wild train is pretty mix bag but man does it exited my expectetions. at first glance its dont look that intense and pretty much a small family coaster,but the ride itself was pretty cool.first of all the first drop gives you such a great amount of airtime that you almost flying out of you sit,espiacelly in the back row which the ride just becomes more intense. the airtime is pretty good,mostly on the back sit and the ride is so intense so you can and you get some forces on it. hםwever the ride smoothness of the ride isnt that great to me. the ride have pretty much some rattle that i felt during the ride and the turns wasnt banked greatly for me. i just wshed they smooth it out a little bit since that takes from the ride experience.

  • אדר פופקו

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Sanftheit Layout Intensität

    this DAL wacky worm wasnt the greatest suprise but still,it might be,even with the 3 stars rating,one of the best wacky worm ive ever ridden,now why is this that good to me,well first the theme,wacky worms do tend to be with great theme once in a while,this one gave it a brand new look but also added extra like a great fog machine inside the apple and even some gracy areas which for these park,is pretty good theme. also this ride is heavenly smooth,the lap bars are great and the ride overall rides perfectly with the track,however,since its a wacky worm the layout is boring and reptetive(not all of them) and its not that intense bit its still nice wacky worm.

  • אדר פופקו

    Tempo Zu kurz Unangenehm Dead spots

    the ride ment to kids,needles to say so that why its so low on least of entusiaste

  • אדר פופקו

    Schoßbügel Komfort Kapazität Dead spots

    as a spinning wild mouse that have to be one of the worst yet ive ridden by zamperla which i know they arent the best and the best for my made by reverchon but still,for me it wasnt that great. on pro is the ride is so smooth and so comfortable which is what thos zamperla once are known to have been throught the years,hell even much than the reverchon once.the paasangere have its own indvizual lap bars unlike the reverchon once which for me,makes much comfortable seating and doesnt give the akwardness. but still the ride was not that great. first of all the ride was too slow! every moment wasnt that intense as expected for those kind of coasters and you move at a snail pacing. yes some might say that the fun come from the spinning factor but the ride also berraly spinned well so you just staying motionless throught the ride. the capcity was terrible too but can i pass it?NO,the operations on the ride were slow too and in a busy day took me hours to get on this ride.