Abschuss Spaß Kapazität
An Intamin Half Pipe without the headbanging! Airbender is definitely a much more matured take on the concept, and is a lot of fun. If you like spinning coasters, you'll like this one a lot.
Such a bland kiddie coaster that I'm unsure if it even counts as a coaster anymore.
This Wild Mouse is a coaster that exists.
Schoßbügel Enttäuschend! Dead spots
It's really crazy how hard those trims kill this ride; I don't think I've ever been so disappointed when stepping off a hyper. I can really see how this thing has earned the "Mild Thing" nickname; comparing it to even just the other Morgan hypers, like Mamba and Steel Force, is just night and day.
Airtimes First Drop Schoßbügel Dead spots
Though it's got some uncomfortable jank to it, Excalibur still has some fun moments and good airtime to give.
Airtimes Spaß
A pretty neat and fun woodie, Renegade just isn't as memorable as her other GCI sisters.
Mild family woodie that doesn't really do much of anything, other than give just the slightest hint of airtime on the drop. Good for the kids tho
First Drop Inversionen Standort Headbanging
Just another one of your bog standard Arrow Corkscrews, but this one has the corkscrew over a water feature; that pretty finale is the only thing that's really a draw to the ride, creating another corkscrew that's more fun to watch than ride.
Abschuss Spaß Sanftheit Kapazität
Impulses are definitely enhanced by that holding brake; it's a real shame that more parks don't use theirs.
Rückhaltebügel Intensität Layout Rütteln Enttäuschend! Unangenehm
Though the park went through the effort to give this SLC vest restraints, the train tracks so roughly (definitely rougher than your average SLC) that the ride feels like just an averagely rough SLC, just minus the headbanging. It's definitely way more rideable; but I was expecting to enjoy the ride way more than I did, since swapping the restraints usually turns SLCs into real thrillers.
Airtimes Abschuss Hangtime Rückhaltebügel
With a really nice launch going into a short and sweet layout, this little Accelerator is perfect for the park. While it's certainly not as world class as the park's dark ride (seriously, it's easily the best ride in the park), it really fills a gap in the park's line-up quite well.
First Drop Schoßbügel Inversionen Zu kurz Kapazität
A fun looper with a great drop (that's made even better by the lap bar), Monster is a super solid ride that you just wish was just a little longer.
Inversionen Nette Überraschung! Intensität Zu kurz
Easily the best S&S Freespin, this one actually makes use of the two sides of the rides by offering different experiences. The "squire" side is your standard Freespin fare that, like Tumbli at Kings Dominion, suffers from the abridged length of the smaller Freespin model; but the "knight" side is like, ABSURDLY intense in how much you will be spinning. Seriously, I was blown away by how much I was spinning, it's crazy.
Schoßbügel Sanftheit Dead spots
A smooth woodie that has buzzbars, though Tornado doesn't really do that much to make use of them. There is like 1 nice airtime moment of note; but Tornado shines in its role as a family woodie.
Airtimes Nette Überraschung! Standort
Fantastic, and super underrated, Prowler is an elite woodie at a less than elite park. The wooded location is expertly used with the layout of the ride; and there is a deluxe assortment of airtime to enjoy, including a wonderful sustained airtime moment mid-way through the ride. It's a shame that this ride doesn't get the recognition it deserves.
Dead spots
A rather unremarkable woodie, Timber Wolf didn't really do much for me, nor did it really offend me. It's ok.
Airtimes Nette Überraschung! Layout
It's a little short, but I think this invert is pretty underrated. It's paced pretty well, and the transitions are very well done; I especially loved the airtimes you get, especially that drop right after the zero-G roll.
Spaß Kapazität
Another Gerstlauer spinner, though this one gets bonus points because I got a pretty good ride with lots of spinning. So props to the ride ops for that I guess.
Airtimes Schoßbügel Ejectors
From what I could gather, this ride running as well as it is (as of mid-2023) is a very recent development; regardless of the reputation it earned from how it used to ride, Mamba was absolutely hauling ass when I was on it. There is some elite airtime to be had on this thing, and those Magnum hills at the end are just as borderline painful as I like it. Incredible ride, count me as bitten!
Inversionen Spaß Layout Headbanging Kapazität
Another Boomerang
Inversionen Spaß Intensität
Batman The Rides are good and fun.
Nette Überraschung! Rütteln Headbanging Unangenehm
I'm normally pretty tolerant of rough rides, but this one is pretty bad. It's definitely not as apocalyptically bad as some hype it up to be, but it's really not great. That headchopper was pretty cool though.
Standort Spaß Dead spots
Not the most exciting the Mine Trains I've been on, this one is skippable if you don't care about credits.
Inversionen Spaß Layout Headbanging Kapazität
A standard Boomerang, comes with everything a Boomerang is known for.
Airtimes Spaß Ejectors Rütteln
A somewhat rough classic woodie that offers a healthy serving of good airtime along its out and back layout, Screamin' Eagle is good ride, but definitely not as good (nor as re-rideable) as American Thunder.
Standort Dauer Rütteln Unangenehm Dead spots
It's long, and it looks cool; those are about the only positive things I have say about The Boss. By far the worst woodie in the park, you get a pretty uncomfortable ride that manages to bleed all of its momentum and pace on every hill and turn-around. The fun parts were sparse considering its frankly absurd size and length, and considering that this is the worst woodie in a park with 2 much better ones, the idea of an RMC Boss is very appealing.
Spaß Kapazität
Solid family spinning coaster, if you're willing to wait for it.