• Cole Goodrich

    Airtimes Ejectors Dauer

    People need to understand theres differeent types of airtime! This ride has sustain floater elongated airtime. Theres no dead spots they reworked the parts that people complained about. This ride gets worked on than any other ride I ever been on. Also Lets be real you cant compare this to El toro tbh the ride was built way after voyage. You cant argue a ride that existed so long still can compete with the big dogs. El toro 1st half is better voyage 2nd half is way much better. The only people argue about voyage is the hills. Its really stupid to compare giving the time this was built. Also depending on what time you ride voyage you will get a better experience on those hills and trying different seats! El toro layout is basically a rip off copy of the Voyage which is why I pick Voyage. I give you example thats like me taking Chang from Kentucky kingdom and Cedar Point like I can do it bigger just with a few twist its so lame. Also Voyage had stiffer competition before all these wood rides got rmc. If this ride is rough then it must be the weakest. Its not rough unless its not the 1st wood ride you rode at holiday world which is likely the issue because Voyage sits very far at the tail end of the park so please dnt complain! Also, It's just long so your body starts feeling pain because the amount of turns and length this goes just like all the other long rides they have a Holiday World. Plus Voyage it is the weakest rough woodie ride I ever been on. Rough belongs to Thunder Run at Kentucky kingdom that is Roughhhh and its amazing how many times they have to rework that small ride because it dnt take long for that ride to get Rough after a rework and it seems way too fast! Voyage is my number 1 woodie and is in my Top 15 coasters. It defeats most hyper coasters and some mega coasters in between giga and some of the higher heights on a hyper coaster. Voyage 67mph Compared to El toros speed still feels way faster and it feels like this ride could sustain its speed for a couple more thousand feet of track. Also the end feels just as fast when you break on a giga, People dnt talk about the bottom of the hills on Voyage It feel like you get all the action at the bottom of your butt then at the top of the hill your being catapulted out for a while. Meanwhile El toro doesn't always get the proper maintenance that it deserves! People was still sayin El toro was #1 when it was getting no rework & it was rough. Its like saying Lightning Rod is still my number 1 but it aint been the same.