• Mark C.

    Standort Intensität Headbanging Zu kurz Rückhaltebügel

    Defiance is such an awesome coaster. The location alone is unbeatable. First drop is spectacular, non-inverting loop has wild whip, and the banana roll has strong positive G's that unfortunately come with lots of headbanging. Then, to finish the ride you have the upwards in-line twist which is definitely fun but not amazing. Best seat is the back left. Front row seemed to be more shaky and rattly. This ride would be a 5/5 stars if it were a little bit smoother and had better restraints. That being said it's Defi-nately the best coaster in Colorado at the moment.

  • Mark C.

    Airtimes Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    A very nice little kiddie coaster! This is the newest coaster at Elitches, which is sad, but hopefully after they relocate out closer to the airport they'll be able to expand and add some seriously awesome coasters.

  • Mark C.

    First Drop Nette Überraschung! Sanftheit Kapazität

    Pinfari is an incredible and fitting addition to Lakeside. Originally built in 1978, this surprisingly rides butter smooth. The first drop is surprising and riding with friends or family in that small jam packed 4-person car is a blast. My personal favorite moments are at the bottom of each drop where you experience a very unique “swooping” feeling of sharp but smooth positive g’s - the kind that reminds you of swinging at the playground as a kid.

  • Mark C.

    Thematisierung Spaß Dauer Kapazität

    Wild Chipmunk is a true classic. Riding it as an adult is actually better than I remember as a kid since you get tossed around more in the restraint-less cars when you’re smaller. Its held up great over the years and feels well maintained. Even this small, historic coaster is better than most, if not all of the coasters at Elitches.

  • Mark C.

    First Drop Standort Rütteln Headbanging Unangenehm

    Okay... well basically this coaster sucks but it doesn't suck enough to be the 6th worst coaster in the world. The view of Denver up the lift is actually great and so unique, there are few coasters that have an urban view this good. The inversions are all insane and so uncomfortable that you genuinely wanna die, but I have to give Vekoma credit for naming this coaster so literally. They were really like "someone may have permanent memory loss on this ride" and still built it anyway. By far the best and most under appreciated aspect of the ride is this cool left-banking bunny-hill that happens right next to the station after the first inversion. It's a great feeling and with a train as thin and compact as this, presents a really unique angled airtime. The rest of the layout is so forgettable it's not even funny, but the double corkscrew is really the nail in the coffin for the erasing of minds. I mean the whole thing is so bold, terrible, and just flat out insane that you have to look at it and be like "I respect you". Like even Mavrick at Cedar point trying to emulate a bucking bronco has nothing on the Mind Eraser, at least when it comes to literally trying to buck it's riders off the ride and have them never come back again. I'll miss Mind Eraser when it's relocated to an area out near the airport. Maybe it will deserve a 1-star then. But until then, go ahead and give it a chance and make the best of it. UPDATE AUGUST 19TH, 2024: I rode Mind Eraser three times yesterday - somehow local, non-enthusiasts still love this thing. Testament to a rollercoaster still being fun even though it's ranked as one of the top 10 worst coasters in the world on this site. I audibly heard multiple people get off and say "wow that was rough" and then get back in line. It seems that with no good coasters in Denver, everyone (including myself) just settles for permanent brain damage. I did figure out a "better" way to ride, hold on as tight as possible using the hand grips on the restraints and stick your head forwards and clamp your legs up against the bottom of the seat to stabilize your body a bit. I mostly rode back row yesterday, one of the rides later in the day around 2pm did seem barely smoother, so maybe I'll try next time at the very end of the day to see if the shakes, rattles, and rolls get less destructive.

  • Mark C.

    First Drop Thematisierung Rütteln Unangenehm Layout

    Twister III: Storm Chaser is a great ride to experience before you actually get on it. Aka, the theming is pretty good in the queue. Everything else, besides the first drop is disastrous. This woodie is quite literally falling apart. I think the "joke" is supposed to be that you're riding it AFTER the Twister came through town, not before. Sheesh, what an absolute disaster of a ride. The layout is actually terrible too. After the first drop, you're just pinned up against the left side of your seat because you just go in circles around the layout. It's long too - which isn't a good thing in this case. You want the experience to be over right at the bottom of the first drop. I'd go as far to say this coaster is legitimately dangerous. I would not recommend anyone over the age of 30 to ride it, it's way too rough.

  • Mark C.

    Airtimes Spaß Hangtime Rütteln Kapazität

    Half Pipe is an undervalued ride. It's a baby Wicked Twister, but I was so incredibly surprised by how much airtime you get on this thing. It's actually crazy. And the best part is you get it over, and over, and over again. It's one of the things that I always loved about swing rides is just the consistent floater experience, but the gradual spinning of the seats provides even greater airtime and even some mild ejector depending on the timing. It's fantastic. Allegedly, this is the only Half Pipe that's still operating out of the 3 that exist, so I felt honored to be able to ride it on the Fourth of July this year. Don't let it's lame look steer you away. It's by far the best coaster enthusiast experience at Elitch Gardens (although that's not saying a lot because the bar is pretty low lol). UPDATE AUGUST 19TH 2024: I rode Half Pipe Twice yesterday, both on the left spinner. I'm convinced this spinner is much rougher than the right one. The ride is still good, but I'm changing it to 3.5 stars just because of the shake and rattle on that left spinner.

  • Mark C.

    Tempo Intensität Layout

    Maverick is a coaster with supreme personality. I've always loved this ride, but in recent years you realize how unique Maverick is. Cedar Point and Intamin really showed off how intense you can make a ride that is barely over 100 ft tall. From beginning to end, Maverick is a beast, but one that makes you laugh in awe of how crazy it all is. The turns and banking are snappier than any other coaster I've ridden and the new restraints are honestly really nice in my opinion. Some of the ejector on the speed hills is so powerful that you are genuinely shocked during and after. Maverick may not "look" like a lot from the pathway, but the current #13 spot in the world is much deserved. By far the best theming at Cedar Point too (not saying a lot because there's barely theming anywhere, but the sound effects and lights of a "train crossing" before the launch really adds to the intensity and excitement of it. Would love to see them lean more into that kind of thing for future rides.

  • Mark C.

    Schoßbügel Abschuss Intensität

    The original dragster was by far the most intense physical feeling I've ever experienced. Imagine the top acceleration of a tesla times three. Your heart and stomach were literally left at the station. I am so sad to see Top Thrill 2 struggling right now, but hope that I get to ride it someday. Still, nothing will compare to the original hydraulic launch. It was SO powerful. I'll be chasing that crazy feeling forever!

  • Mark C.

    Airtimes Meisterwerk Dauer

    No other roller coaster truly deserves the #1 spot the way this does. For me, it's not even close. The very first ride on this was back in 2018 right after it opened, but it was in heavy rain and I literally couldn't see anything and don't remember anything haha (I'm surprised they even let us ride it in those conditions anyways). Fast forward to a week ago and I rode it three times in the span of two days. Steel Vengeance is a masterpiece and no one can change my mind. RMC obviously has a huge grip right now on coaster enthusiasts, but people that try to argue that this is overhyped are flat out wrong. Like you ride some of the best rollercoasters right before and after this (like Maverick which is currently #13) and it's not even close how much better Steel Vengeance is. It puts all other coasters to shame. Truly a wonder of engineering and a work of art. Now, it depends on what kind of rider you are and I understand some people may not like how "back to back" and "maximalist" this coaster is. I understand that. But this is not a "coasting" type of rollercoaster. This is the airtime machine. You dive, you pop, you twist, you fly. I'll call it now: Steel Vengeance will likely be the best rollercoaster of all time for many, many years to come. There's something just so special about it that I can't even put into words. It's so unhinged and free, so daring and bold, and somehow still whimsical and playful. You can't help but get to the brake run and think, "That's it. That is the best rollercoaster in the world."

  • Mark C.

    Nette Überraschung! Komfort Sanftheit Zu kurz

    I honestly did not expect this ride to blow me away like it did. It's easily the smoothest coaster at all of Cedar Point. Unlike many of the other coasters, it's not trying to be something crazy innovative or intense, it's just a flat out good ride with arguably the best first drop in the park. We even waited in line for almost a full 2 hours and this ride still felt worth that wait (in the terrible, boxed-in queue).

  • Mark C.

    Thematisierung Standort Dauer Reißt es ab! Dead spots Schoßbügel

    I went to Cedar Point with my groomsmen for my bachelor party and we had an absolute blast. At the end of the visit, everyone rated their favorite and least-favorite rides and Cedar Creek Mine ride was easily people's least favorite. Because their comments about it were cracking me up, I decided to allow every one of them to write a personal statement about their experiences. Here they are: Cameron: “I was as enthralled as the pieces of coal in cart transport would have been in the 1800s” Will: “Cedar creek mine ride is exactly the coaster you need it to be. Ranging from dumpster fire that should be torn down, all the way to hidden gem that makes it into your top 3 coasters for the park. It is rated.” Robert: "Gets better every time I ride it so by the year 2078 it should be the best coaster in the universe" Mark (me): “The owner of a nearby Diner in Sandusky said she doesn’t even consider this a rollercoaster… that’s all you need to know” Nate R: "Is it a kiddy ride or is it a coaster? Each turn will keep you guessing! Don’t sleep on this ride, as the period piece is equipped with some rips and turns and arm-choppin’ hazards" Matthew: "About as thrilling as mowing my lawn, which for the record is a very relaxing activity I enjoy. 10/10" and "It’s easy to mistake this ride for watching PBS Antiques road-show with mom. Unexpected but welcome surprise." Tanner: "At only 5 years younger than BS, Mine Ride should command the same respect. Anything less is intellectual dishonesty. Oh, but be sure to keep your hands inside the vehicle." Nate A: "Almost as bad as Magnum XL 200, this ride brought my headache from a 2 to a 6."